28- The Reaping

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Honestly I feel like I completely switched writing styles with this chapter, but idk it seemed to work.

It's been a while since I've done shout-outs, but here we are.





Thank you for commenting/voting/reading!!

I woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. My husband beside me opened his eyes slowly and sat up. I felt bad for waking him; it had been quite some time since he had slept as long as he did, and he really needed it, to prepare for the coming weeks.

He draped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, so I could listen to his heartbeat. He was alive. I was alive. Prim was alive

He kissed my forehead gently when I turned around to look at his face. "It's alright, honey," He said to me reassuringly.

I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, and when my vision cleared again, so did my mind. I wasn't in District 4. I had left for home three days before. My husband was in the Capitol. He had been recalled for just a few more appointments last week, and would stay there up until the Reaping next week, so I returned to District 12 by myself.

Prim entered my room, wiping sleep from her eyes. "Are you alright, Katniss?" She asked. I glanced at the time. Seven in the morning. I was about to answer that it was only nightmares, when my stomach lurched. I gasped, not expecting the wave of nausea, even though I should at this point.


I sat in bed for a second longer. "I'm fine, Prim. I'm just a bit nauseous."

"Oh," She said. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything. A painkiller, or a shot of whiskey, or a pregnancy test or anything."

I gaped at her. "You think I'm pregnant?"

Prim raised her eyebrows. "You've been sick every morning since you came home."

"I'm not pregnant, though," I insisted.

"But you can never be sure." she said. "You're a married woman, Katniss. Who knows what you and Finnick have been doing behind closed doors."


"I'm serious, Katniss," She said with a smile. "Even protected, there's still a chance of pregnancy."

"I'm not pregnant, Prim."

I rolled out of bed and began brushing my hair. It was getting really long. I definitely needed to cut it before the Quarter Quell. Not very short, just a few inches shorter, so it would be a bit easier to manage.

I glanced at my calendar and groaned. My period was late again. That meant I might still be on it when I arrived at the Capitol. I had never been on my period during the Hunger Games, but it had to be a living nightmare.

Prim followed my gaze and seemed to pick up on my thoughts. "If you want that pregnancy test, I think you brought some home from the Capitol..."

"Prim," I hissed. "Out." I herded her out of my room and closed the door.

The next morning, Gale came to pick up Prim. After a tearful goodbye, I went to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. That's when I saw it.

Prim was more mischievous than I ever thought.

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