25- The Announcement

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Song is Loose Ends by Ashe

You might actually want to listen to this one... it might make an appearance soon. we'll see

Also Ashe and Taylor Swift both released albums last month i'm soo happy

I sat down in the living room after dinner with my family. We were all present that night for the mandated update. The card reading for the 3rd Quarter Quell.

I watched President Snow's white-gloved hand pluck out the envelope, open it diligently, and read what was written.

"As a reminder that even the strongest will fall to the Capitol, the tributes of the 75th Hunger Games will be reaped from the existing pool of victors."

I could feel my entire family's eyes on me, but I wasn't sure what they expected from me. I wasn't going to start trying. I wasn't going to have a fit of rage. Even though this news was just as shocking to me, somehow I had seen it coming. It seemed right, because what else would the card say? Who else would Snow try to punish? Who else would he want to make an example out of?

I stood up slowly, then walked to the kitchen. I poured myself a shot of whiskey, my hand shaking, my knuckles white on the neck of the bottle. I downed the first shot, then another, then the bottle slipped out of my hand and rained glass and alcohol across the kitchen. I fell to the ground beside it, my heart burning and eyes stinging from more than just alcohol.

Katniss. Katniss was going back into the arena for the third time

Either Peeta or Haymitch was going back in.

Johanna would be going back in.

Britt or Mags.



Caspian helped me up off the floor. I sensed my mother entering the room, a disgusted look on her face, then escorting Killian out. Caspian swept up the glass. I wish I could have helped him, but I couldn't make myself move. I could only stare at the carnage, leaning against the kitchen island. Caspian grabbed my hand and gently pulled out a shard of glass that had embedded itself in my palm. I hadn't even registered the pain was there, the cut coated in whiskey. He ran it under cool water and began to bandage it when I pulled away.

"I have to find Katniss," I said.

Caspian pulled my hand back and finished wrapping it. "You need to clear your head. You can go find her tomorrow."

I tugged my arm free of his grip and took a step back. "Cas, I need to talk to her. There's so much I need to say to her before I see her at the Games. Please, just let me go."

"Finnick, please just take a deep breath. Relax," Caspian instructed. "You need to calm down."

I did as he instructed. Before I could speak again, he had me wrapped tightly in his arms. I stumbled, surprised by the sudden weight that just barreled into me. I fell against the counter, but Caspian still didn't let go. I hugged him back. I could feel his tears soaking into my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay," I whispered. "I'll make it out."

He finally let go, and he swiped at his red, puffy eyes. "Please stay," He whispered. "I only have a few months left with you, and I need you to stay. I need as much time with you as I can get."

"I'm making it out of the arena, Caspian," I told him. "I have years left to spend with you."

"I know you, Finnick!" He whisper-shouted. "You aren't coming out. Not if Katniss will be in there with you! Not to mention all of your other friends... you won't come back."

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