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Today Jisoo's fetching her daughter and girlfriend up at the Park's mansion.Well,they're now moving in to their new house and Ella was so excited.

"Yey!"She keeps jumping and jumping,even the house was just blocks away from this mansion.Jisoo and Rosé could only laugh in their daughter's behavior.Jisoo put their bags at the car's trunk,her things are already at the house.

"Let's go."Jisoo said,opening the car for Ella and Rosé.They hop in the car,and Jisoo went at the driver's seat.She drove in their new home.As soon as she stopped,Ella opened the door and walked outside.

"Wow!"She said,looking at the house.Its not as big as the mansion,but it's a three storey house,the fourth floor was a rooftop.Its definitely bigger for just the three of them to live there.Jisoo gave the key to Rosé.

"Go check inside.I'll get our things there.And please open the gate for me to get this car at the garage."Jisoo said.Rosé nodded and opened the gate,with Ella holding her hand.Jisoo parked her car inside,then closed the gate.She was busy taking their bags inside while Rosé and Ella was looking around.

"Pool!"Ella said,pointing at the pool at the backyard.At the front there's garden and a sports place,where they could play if they want to.After putting all the bags at the respective rooms,she went downstairs to look for her family.She found the two of them at the living room,Ella jumping at the couch.

"Ella be careful,you might fall down."Jisoo said and walked to Rosé,her hands wrapped at her waist."You like it?"She whispered.

"Definitely love it."Rosé said and kissed her cheeks.

"What's that for?"Jisoo asked.

"Well you got us a pretty good house."Rosé said.

"Woah.I should buy more houses though."Rosé laugh.

"You can just asked it from me and I'll give it to you."Rosé said.

"Oh really?Can you give me another kiss?"Jisoo asked.

"Yeah sure."Rosé leaned to kiss Jisoo's cheek but Jisoo faced her,their lips touching.Jisoo grinned."Aish Jisoo!"

"What?You're my girlfriend."Jisoo said.Ella ran to them.

"Daddy Ella's hungry."Ella said and pouted.Jisoo smiled and pat her head.

"Okay daddy's gonna cook lunch."Jisoo said,walking at the kitchen."Wait for me at the dinning!"She shouted.

"Arasso!"Rosé and Ella went at the dinning table,waiting for Jisoo to finish cooking.Soon Jisoo was done cooking,putting the foods at the table.

"Let's all eat!"Jisoo said,as all of them dig in at the food."Rosé."Jisoo called.Rosé looked at her.


"Since I cleared all my schedules tomorrow,we can all design the rooms.It was all just plain white when I bought it."Jisoo said.

"Appa!I wanna paint my room!"Ella said.Jisoo smiled and nodded.

"Of course princess we'll get your room done first."Jisoo said and smiled.

"Okay but don't make much mess,okay?"Rosé said.Jisoo smiled and saluted.

"Of course,ma'am!"


It's night.Jisoo and Rosé just tucked their daughter to sleep.

"Rosé we'll sleep in the same room."Jisoo said.

"What?There's a lot of rooms here."

"Ehh?You don't want to sleep with me?"Jisoo said and pouted,making her girlfriend chuckle.

"Of course I'd love that.But will you be comfortable?"Jisoo nodded.

"Of course.And it'll help me remember things."

But I don't want you to remember anything,Jisoo.Specially about the past.

Rosé smiled.

"Okay."They kissed their daughter,then soon headed in their room.Jisoo was smiling,they laid at their bed comfortably.Jisoo reached for Rosé's hand and held it.

"Thank you,Rosé.Sleep tight."Jisoo said.

"Sleep tight too.I love you."


The next morning..

Jisoo just came from the mall,buying paints for their daughter's room.

"You wore your apron already?"Jisoo asked.

"Yes daddy look!"Ella said,showing off her apron.Jisoo smiled.

"Okay let's go!"

"You two don't make much mess.Okay?"Rosé said.Jisoo and Ella looked at each other,exchanging looks like they're reading each other's mind."You two,Kims.What are you planning?"Rosé asked.

"Uhm..nothing,mommy."Ella said.

"I know that look promise you won't make a mess.Kim Jisoo,Kim Elijah."Rosé warned.

"Hana..dul..set!"Jisoo counted.

"Wait why are you-hey you two!"Rosé shouted as Ella and Jisoo ran upstairs.

"We can't promise!"They both shouted and Rosé could only shook her head.

"Those two,really.Ella is really her daughter."She said.After a while of cleaning the things on the living room since they aren't hiring maids yet,she walked upstairs to hear squealing and laughs from Ella's room.

"Daddy no!"

"You got me paint so putting on you will be fair!"She heard.

"Oh no."She ran there,seeing Jisoo and Ella's skin and face full of paint."What did I say?"She said in a serious tone.

"But we said we didn't promise."Jisoo said.

"Daddy's right,mommy."Ella said.Then they again exchanged looks,then they had a grin on their face.

"What's with that look-ahh!"Rosé shrieked when the two splashed paint on her.

"Oh no you've been messy.You can just help us."Jisoo said."Aww!"She whined when Rosé smacked her.

"Yes I'll help you.Lets finish this up and you two should get yourself after this."

"Yes mommy!"

"Yes Chaeng!"The family finished painting the room up until evening.They got theirselves cleaned.

"Okay I'll cook.You both stay here.I'll call you up when it's done.'Rosé told Jisoo and Ella as the both nodded.Rosé headed at the kitchen,then they heard the doorbell rang.

"Daddy there's person."Ella said.

"Okay stay here,I'll go check on it."

"Okay,daddy."Jisoo walked to the gate,then opened it.

"You have no plans on introducing your family to me?"

"Dad."Jisoo spoke in disappointment.

BACK TO YOU(CHAESOO|JISOO G!P)[COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin