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"W-What?"Jisoo asked.

"Jisoo,I know I shouldn't have tell you this.But I know you can help me with Jinho,and I want him to be happy.Yes,Jinho is really your son.I tried my best not to tell you,because I don't want to ruin your life again.But..But I was left with no choice."Ji Eun said.

"H-How?How did he became my son?"Jisoo asked.

"I don't know if someone had told you already,but back then we're in the same school,taking master's to be doctors for real.I met you,I've been in love to the point that even I know you were married,I made an action just to keep you.Its a party because we have passed our research,we all got drunk that night.I put drugs on your drinks,then..then something between us happened that night.Thats why we have Jinho."Ji Eun explained.No doubt,Jinho is really her son.Jinho looks like her.Unlike Ella,most of her feature is from her mom.

"W-Whats his case?What can I do?Tell me."Jisoo said.

"We need to find a heart donor as soon as possible,his heart is giving up.At the operation we'll need your blood,because considering his a kid and it's such a big operation hr might loose lots of blood.You both have rare blood type,negative RA."

"Will this operation be one hundred percent successful?"Jisoo asked again.

"Not..not really.Twenty percent survival rate.But it's better to take the risk.Because if it takes too long..he..he might..I can't loose him."Ji Eun said,as tears fell from her eyes.Jisoo pulled her for a hug.

"I'll do everything to save him,don't worry.We will save our son.. he'll be safe."


It's evening and Jisoo,Ella and Rosé were eating dinner.Since the time Jisoo brought Ella at Rosé until now,she looks lost and cannot concentrate.

"Jisoo are you okay?"Rosé asked her.

"I-I'm good.Sorry,sorry."After their dinner,they got Ella to sleep.They went in their room laying at their bed,and Jisoo was still thinking of something that Rosé doesn't knew.She held Jisoo's hand.

"Jisoo."She called.

"Hmm?"Jisoo responded.

"Are you really okay?I've been thinking about you since I've seen you earlier."Rosé said.Jisoo sat up.

She needs to know it.

"Chae.."Jisoo called.


"'s..I have another child."Jisoo said,straight to the point.

"A what?"

"Ch-Child.With Ji Eun."Jisoo said.

"What do you mean?Y-You cheated on me again?"Rosé asked.

"No,no,no.I'll never repeat the same mistake again.Uhm..Jinho.He is my son.I didn't meant to..I just knew it.He's suffering from heart disease and there's no one hundred percent guarantee that he'll last long.Thats what I've been thinking."Jisoo said."If you'll be angry,I'll accept it.Its okay,I promise."Jisoo said but instead,she got a hug from Rosé.

"'s a mistake in the past and we can't do anything about it.All we can do is accept and make things right."Rosé said.Jisoo smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you..I love you,Park Chaeyoung."


This morning,they're having a breakfast.Theyre at the table,when Jisoo's phone suddenly rang.

"Gotta answer this."Jisoo said,leaving the table.She answered the call,it's Ji Eun."Hello?"

"Jisoo..Jinho's heart rate is dropping please come over!"

"What?Is the doctors there already?"


"Okay I'm on my way,stay calm.Bye."She turned the call off,and in adrenaline,while she got her coat she have placed the phone at the table.Jisoo kissed Ella's forehead."Chaeng I can't drive you to your destinations I'm sorry,I'll just pick her up later.I need to go."Jisoo said before kissing Chaeyoung's lips.

"Okay.Dont forget picking her up."

"Of course."Jisoo ran to her car,driving as fast as she could to Jinho.


Rosé was busy practicing for her performance,when her manager ran to her.

"Rosé,your phone keeps buzzing and buzzing.And it's Ella's teacher,it's the ID name.I think it's very important because she won't stop calling you."The manager stated.

"Okay give me that."She got the phone,then answered the call."Hello?Ma'am?"

"Oh hello Miss Park.Ive seen that Ella was the only kid left here at the school,she's already in tears."

"What?Didn't her daddy fetch her up?"

"I'm so sorry ma'am but I don't see Miss Kim around since earlier."


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