Author's Note

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Hi! Welcome to Yours, Fred, a completely self-indulgent story about Fred Weasley :)

This is my first Wattpad book and it started out as a comfort hobby for me...I never expected to write it, let alone publish it, yet here we are! Thank you in advance for reading/voting/commenting/adding to your list, I appreciate it more than I can say <3

My next book, Roses and Riots (Fred x OC), is out now and I'd love for you to join me over there for our next big adventure!


Here's a Key for the acronyms you'll be seeing:

Y/N - Your Name

Y/L/N - Your Last Name

F/C - Favourite Colour


Just a few notes before you read:

The reader is female so she/her pronouns will be used and she's a Gryffindor because it's convenient for the story (common room shenanigans and whatnot!). The story starts when the reader and the twins are starting first year, and it follows them all the way through to the Battle of Hogwarts and beyond (meaning they're eleven at the beginning and towards the end they're twenty).

Y/N is a Muggleborn witch and  is from somewhere in the UK because it makes sense for the story, but I don't specify where since it's not that important! Her pet is a small tawny owl (look them up they are adorable) and her name is Lyra.

There is some alcohol use and I've included minor swearing but mostly I just stick to what the characters say in the books/movies and other mild British slang and insults.

There are some mature scenes much later on in the book that aren't detailed explicitly, and there are also minor descriptions/mentions of pregnancy later on (not reader during the story lol this is not a pregnancy fic).

There are themes of violence/torture, death, bullying and grief (which kind of goes without saying, really), but also lots of banter and fun, because this is Fred and George Weasley we're talking about...

If you've read this far, thank you and I appreciate you! I've put my heart and soul into this so I hope you enjoy it! Lots of love x

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now