Chapter 21: The Third Task

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The day before the third and final task, you were crossing the bridge from the castle and on your way to the Owlery with a letter for your parents, when you heard someone calling you.

"Y/N!" you turned around and Cedric was jogging to catch up with you. You hadn't seen him that much since that afternoon in the Three Broomsticks, you saw him in passing but he had been so busy with his preparation for the Third Task that you hadn't spoken with him properly for weeks.

"Cedric!" He pulled you into a hug when he reached you, and you welcomed it gladly, "are you heading to the Owlery too?"

He nodded and held up two envelopes, "I am! I left the rest up in the dorm and I'll send them out after tomorrow is over with, but these are for my parents and grandparents so I'm trying to get them out earlier, before my parents arrive at the school. They're coming to watch the task tomorrow, you see."

"Oh that's exciting! How are you feeling about it?" you asked him as you walked, linking your arm through his. He shrugged, "I don't know how to feel to be quite honest, I've practiced my usual reliable spells and learned some new ones that I think might be useful. But compared to the other two tasks, I have no idea what to expect."

"You'll be fine, you're an exceptional wizard, Cedric." He grinned at you and bumped his shoulder against yours as you reached the bottom of the steps to the Owlery. Cedric followed behind you and you both stepped into the small tower and looked around for your respective owls. You held up your arm and Lyra obediently flew down and landed on your wrist.

"That's a smart owl you've got, mine has to be bribed from his perch," he laughed as he gestured to a small brown owl in the corner who you were convinced was pretending not to see Cedric as he approached. Cedric pulled an owl treat out and encouraged the reluctant bird to land on his arm, the owl took the bait and ate eagerly, then he accepted the letters and flew out of the small tower.

You stroked Lyra's feathers fondly and Cedric gave her a treat too, you then gave her the letter for your parents and she took off into the sky. You left the Owlery and walked back to the bridge, once again linking your arm with his, "are you nervous?"

He thought about that momentarily and then shook his head, "no I'm actually not, I'm looking forward to winning though," he smirked at you, "no offence to Harry, I know you're close with him, but I'm definitely winning this thing." You both laughed on your way back, agreeing to go your separate ways outside the Great Hall as he was meeting Cho for lunch.

"I'll see you after tomorrow then?" you asked as you stood outside the hall, he nodded and pulled you into a firm hug, "yeah we'll catch up properly when all of this madness is over." You squeezed him hard before letting go and ruffled his hair playfully. He started walking into the hall and called back to you as he did, "see you tomorrow, Y/N!" and you waved back at him, then you made your way up to the common room.

You were eager to start packing your trunk as you were heading home in a few days and didn't want to leave it until the last minute like you normally did. But of course you got distracted by a certain redhead who beckoned you over to the couch beside him and his twin. You sat down and Fred pulled your legs up to rest on his lap and briefly told you about his and George's plan for an 'Epic House Party' to celebrate the end of the Triwizard Tournament and the end of school for the summer.      

"Where'd you disappear to this afternoon?" George asked curiously, closing his notebook on his lap and resting his quill down on top of it. "I went to the Owlery, I wanted to write to my parents before getting the train back. I met Cedric on the way there actually and we caught up a little bit."

"How is he feeling about tomorrow?" Fred asked, playing with the hem of your jeans.

"He's feeling okay about it I think, his parents are coming to watch," you responded as you lay back on the couch slightly.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now