Chapter 1: The Twins

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The excited shouts and laughs of children and teenagers, and the warnings of their parents with expectations of good behaviour filled your ears as you stepped off of Platform 9¾ and boarded the Hogwarts Express for the very first time. You'd shared a teary goodbye with your parents and now you were on your own, so you took a deep breath and made your way through the bustling corridor of the train's carriages, looking everywhere for an empty compartment, but they were all full. You were growing increasingly overwhelmed with everything going on around you, so you hurriedly shouldered your way past other students and gripped the strap of your school bag on one shoulder. You also held on tightly to the handle of your owl, Lyra's, cage with your other hand, being careful not to jostle her too much.

You finally found what looked like an empty compartment and, letting your bag hang from your shoulder, you reached out and flung open the sliding doors. You stepped in and you were immediately met with a number of mini fireworks exploding in front of your face which made you gasp in shock and your owl squawked in fright, flapping her wings indignantly. The fireworks fizzled out after a few moments of zigzagging around in the air and using the hand not holding Lyra's cage you fanned the smoke away from your face and coughed as the air cleared.

Immediately a red headed boy appeared right in front of you and peered into your face, "you're not Charlie."

Before you could even begin to form a coherent thought, an identical face appeared beside the first one, also with red hair, "nope, not Percy either."

You finally found your voice, "um excuse me?"

"It's okay, no need to apologise. We'll just have to get more, at least we know they work," the boy on the left said with a nonchalant shrug.

"Oh, well I wasn't actually apologising," you were feeling exasperated now. You had just experienced an extremely stressful morning of running around with your bewildered Muggle parents, a huge trunk and an owl, while also trying to find where you were supposed to go in King's Cross Station. Your mother had decided to ask for help and quickly walked towards another woman who was surrounded by several children with trolleys like yours. She came back over to you and your dad looking a lot less panicked, having gotten instructions from the nice witch explaining where to go and how to get there. The last thing you needed right now was cheekiness from some boys you had just met.

You took a deep breath and bit back any rude retort that threatened to come out, you were not about to make any enemies before you even left the train station.

At this point the smoke and sparks had completely cleared from the air, and you were able to look at the boys properly. They weren't much taller than you, but looked to be around the same age. They both had light coppery red hair, almost identical faces and of course to make things easier for you, wore matching blue jumpers. They weren't even paying attention to you, and were instead debating about something you didn't even understand, clearly forgetting that you were standing there.

Then, as if reading your thoughts, the boy on the left turned to look at you, "hey I know you! You're that Muggleborn girl who was running around King's Cross! Your eyes were so wide and scared, you looked a bit like a Mooncalf."

The other one nodded in realisation, "oh yeah! Your mum asked our mum for directions!"

You looked between the two of them, your thoughts racing to catch up with their excitable chatter that was now directed at you, "um, yeah, that's me?" and then the train suddenly lurched forward causing you all to stumble slightly where you stood.

After you regained your balance, the slightly quieter and less cheeky twin who stood on the right spoke "you're sharing with us then?"

You looked out at the bustling corridor and watched as students ran back to their compartments, eager to get to their seats before the train started moving properly, "I guess so?" But you still stood rooted to the spot by the door of the compartment, making no move to sit down. The boys looked at each other and shrugged and then sat on the bench on your left, leaving you to awkwardly shuffle to the window seat on the other bench.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now