Chapter 61: The Lovegoods

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The six of you stood on a hill, overlooking a vast sprawl of grassy fields where a tall, strangely cylindrical house stood not too far away. You knew the Burrow wasn't too far away from the Lovegood residents, but you were also aware of the danger you'd be putting the other Weasleys in if they happened to be back home rather than at their Aunt Muriel's country house.

You walked up the crooked steps to the front door and observed the strange plants that grew around the property. Hermione stepped forward to knock on the door and then stepped back beside you and Ron who were on the uppermost steps of the stairs.

The front door opened slightly and you saw the familiar unkempt appearance of the older blond man with loose, colourful clothing. You hadn't spoken to him when you chatted with Luna at Bill and Fleur's wedding, but the resemblance was uncanny.

He eyed you all with suspicion, "what is it? Who are you? What do you want?" You realised then that you had no explanation for why you were there, so you looked over at Harry who was on the step beside you, behind Ron and Hermione. You moved aside so Mr Lovegood could see him and Harry stepped up towards him, "hello, Mr Lovegood? I'm Harry Potter. We met a few months ago."

Mr Lovegood stared at him incredulously and Harry walked up the rest of the steps until he was standing directly across from the older man, "could we come in?"

You all sat with Mr Lovegood in the living room of the Lovegood house and appearance aside, you had difficulty believing he was Luna's father because of how very unchatty he was. In fact, the entire house was strangely quiet for what you would've imagined as Luna's home, especially so soon after Christmas. You remember Luna telling you she loved Christmas and her and her father enjoyed making decorations for the house, but no such decoration could be seen around the house at all.

You cleared your throat in the awkward silence and leaned forward in your chair to Mr Lovegood, "where is Luna?"

You asked him and he barely even looked at you as he answered, "Luna? She'll be along." You took a sip of the tea and nearly spat it back out, and you could see Fred subtly spitting it back into his mug before setting it aside with a grimace.

"So, how can I help you, Mr Potter?" the older man asked after a long silence. Harry straightened up in his chair and turned to face Mr Lovegood properly, "well actually, it was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. It was a symbol."

Mr Lovegood pulled a long chain from within the layers of his loose, colourful clothes, "you mean this?" You peered closer and sure enough, it was the symbol you were looking for.

"Yes, that exactly," Harry said, taking the necklace in his fingers, "what we've wondered is...what is it?"

"What is it?" Mr Lovegood repeated, "well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course."

"The what?" you asked at the same time as Harry and Hermione. "The Deathly Hallows," he said again, "I assume you're all familiar with the Tale of the Three Brothers?" The twins, Ron and Hermione said yes, while you and Harry said no and looked around at the others in confusion.

"I have it in here," Hermione volunteered and she pulled her copy of the Tales of Beedle the Bard from her purple beaded bag. She opened the book and began to read, "'there were once three brothers who were travelling along a lonely winding road at twilight-"

"Midnight," Ron said, "Mum always said 'midnight.'" You all looked at him and he glanced at Hermione who was clearly irritated with him, he cleared his throat, "but 'twilight's' fine, better actually!"

"Just shut up, Ron," George whispered from his seat next to Ron and you glanced at Fred who sat on a chair between you and Mr Lovegood, both of you biting back smirks at Ron's continued grovelling to Hermione.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now