Chapter 49: The Auror

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"Oh, bloody hell," you said, putting down your mug of tea while you read the first paragraph of your latest letter from Hermione. Fred put his mug down too and looked at you while George lowered the Daily Prophet onto the kitchen table as he took in your bewildered expression.

"What is it, love?" Fred asked calmly, the fact that you weren't panicking showed him that it wasn't something overly urgent.

"Ron was poisoned," you said flatly and their jaws dropped in shock, but you continued before they panicked, "he's fine, don't worry! He ate some chocolates laced with a powerful love potion that had been sent to Harry, and he was poisoned after drinking mead in Slughorn's office."

"Slughorn tried to poison Ron?" George asked and then shrugged nonchalantly, "shame, he beat me to it."

You rolled your eyes, "no, the bottle was supposed to be a gift to Dumbledore, but it was laced with some type of poison. He's alright though, but I doubt he'll be eating any of Harry's chocolates again in a hurry."

"Who's sending him chocolates? Valentine's day was a month ago," Fred asked as he pointed his wand at his mug to reheat the tea.

"Some girl in their year who's taken a fancy to him, according to Hermione. And- oh, Merlin this is brilliant," you laughed as you read the letter aloud, 'Ron was in the Hospital Wing and he said my name over and over in his sleep, what am I supposed to do with that information!? Lavender ran out crying, the daft girl. He doesn't seem to remember though, what do I do?'"

You looked at the twins after you finished quoting Hermione's latest existential crisis. You knew she wouldn't mind if you told them, considering she'd asked you, on multiple occasions, to run a few questions about Ron's antics by the twins.

"Oh Ronniekins, you silly twat," Fred sighed as he sat back in his chair, defeated.

George snickered into his hand, "Fred, mate, this is what it was like before the pair of you got together. You were the most oblivious twat going, and frankly, it was painful to watch."

"Oh sod off, George," you said but you were extremely amused. Meanwhile, Fred scoffed at his brother, "okay then, if that's how you feel, George. Y/N, on the kitchen counter right now," he stood up and pointed at the kitchen countertop behind him.

You fell into stitches of laughter on the table and George groaned and put his head in his hands, "I literally hate you both so much right now."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you actually asked out that pretty witch you were flirting with in the shop the other day," you retorted and he gasped in feigned horror.

"Bold of you to assume I haven't asked her out, Y/N," he countered and Fred smirked.

"Well, have you asked her out, Georgie?" he asked and he sat back down, and studied his brother with a barely concealed grin.

"Well...No," George admitted sheepishly and you and Fred burst into laughter and he whacked you both on your heads with his folded up newspaper.

You kicked him under the table and then reopened your letter to continue reading, "oh wait, there's more. Luna Lovegood has taken over from Lee as the commentator and...Harry cracked his skull during a Quidditch match, because of course he did."

Fred sighed, "he's a walking disaster, that boy."

George agreed, "I'm surprised he's survived this long, to be honest."

Now it was your turn to pick up the Daily Prophet and whack them both on their heads with it and they just cracked up at Harry's expense.

"That was so much information in one letter, I can't believe Hermione managed to fit it all in," you said as you stood from the table and refolded the letter.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now