Chapter 23: The Order

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You had only just turned away from the horrible screaming portrait of Mrs Black when another shrill, but far more welcoming and familiar voice called out from ahead of you. Molly Weasley was walking quickly towards you, "Arthur dear, you're back!" she intercepted him and threw her arms around his shoulders lovingly. She then turned to you and Hermione with a huge fond smile, "oh my girls! I'm glad you got here safely," she pulled you both into a tight, motherly hug and then led you into the room at the end of the corridor.

The small drawing room was filled with unfamiliar faces, but right across from you, seated at the table was Sirius, who smiled kindly at you, and next to him sat Professor Remus Lupin, who you had as your DADA teacher in your Fifth Year. He was the only teacher who hadn't threatened to separate you from the Weasley twins when your group disrupted class, his light chiding was typically followed by a wistful look, as though your antics reminded him of something in his past.

"Hello girls, good to see you both," Sirius said brightly as you walked up to the table, and Remus nodded in greeting as his eyes sparkled warmly.

You looked around for your friends, and Molly, who was flitting around behind you, noticed, "don't worry dear, the others will be back soon. Fred and George have brought Ron and Ginny to Diagon Alley for some school supplies."

Then she stepped up beside you and pulled you into a whisper, "Y/N dear, I am just delighted for you and Freddie, I predicted it years ago and a mother knows these things! I'll talk to you more about it later," she winked at you and you flushed but grinned at her happily.

She walked around to the table and sat down, then pulled out two chairs next to her, inviting you both to sit down. You shared a look with Hermione, unsure who a lot of these new people around you were, but you obliged and sat.

As soon as you'd sat down you almost jumped from your chair again as Mad-Eye Moody burst in loudly from another room, his magical blue eye swivelled and landed on you and Hermione and he scowled, "relax yourselves, girls. I'm actually my pleasant old self this time, luckily for you." He huffed and moved around the table towards another wizard who stood behind Remus' chair, and then scolded the young woman who sat in the chair next to you about something.

The woman, who couldn't be more than five years older than you, noticed you looking and turned to you with a grin that was so mischievous that it reminded you of the twins. "Hi there! I'm Nymphadora Tonks, but just call me Tonks or I'll jinx you," she winked and stuck out her hand to you and Hermione who introduced yourselves to her in turn. She nodded in recognition, "yeah sorry to cut your relaxing summer short, but we agreed that as Muggleborns you'd be safer here at Headquarters."

"Headquarters?" You repeated in bewilderment.

"Nymphadora!" Moody hissed at her irritably from where he stood talking to the tall, dark-skinned man in striking blue and purple robes who stood behind Remus.

She turned to him with a glare and her lilac hair turned dark red which made you do a double take, "Mad-Eye, for the last bloody time, it's Tonks. Tonks. T-O-N-K-S," she spelled out and he rolled both of his different eyes and turned back to his conversation with the man beside him.

Tonks turned back to you and her hair changed to bright bubblegum pink, and upon seeing your confused face, she explained, "I'm a Metamorphmagus, I've been able to change my features since the day my dear mum dragged me into this world," and as if to further iterate her point, she changed the shape of her nose until it was large and hooked.

"Look, who am I? Potions is an artform, it is not merely a school subject you imbeciles," she imitated the all-too-familiar Severus Snape's voice, making you and Hermione laugh hysterically.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now