Chapter 51: The Seven Potters

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Months later, you lingered anxiously under the shelter of an empty bus stop. The Muggle area reminded you of your hometown which made your heart ache. You were glad you'd gotten your parents to leave the country last summer before things had gotten really bad, but you'd had to completely refrain from contacting them since then, which was the most difficult thing you'd had to do. Though at that moment, you were almost grateful you didn't have to do what Hermione was currently doing.

You looked up and saw her walking down the street towards you, and when she saw you she broke down and ran to you and threw her arms around your shoulders. You held her close and rubbed her back as she cried over what she had just carried out. She had bewitched her parents with a False Memory Charm, making them believe that they didn't have a daughter, and that they were a couple named Mr and Mrs Wilkins who were in the process of moving to Australia, and she'd left a number of brochures about Australia around the house to solidify their false memories.

"Ssh it's okay, you'll see them again when this is all over and reverse the spell. At least now you don't have to worry about them being in danger," you whispered into her curls and she nodded and pulled away to wipe her eyes.

You squeezed her shoulders comfortingly, "come on, the Weasleys are waiting for us at the Burrow."

"Okay, let's go," she agreed, sniffling slightly.

"Wait, have you not got any bags with you?" you asked her and she smiled and held up her small purple beaded handbag.

"Undetectable Extension Charm, you inspired me," she said pointing to your leather crossbody bag that you'd cast the same charm on two years ago. You smiled at her and then she took your arm and you both Apparated to the Burrow.


Despite the warm July air, everything felt cold. You sat in the living room of the Burrow with the Order, with you and the twins being the latest to be inducted into the group. You felt a responsibility to help with the war effort as best you could, but that also meant that you were no longer sheltered by the older members as you had been before you joined.

You learned about the Muggle families that had been murdered and how the Ministry had been infiltrated by Death Eaters by controlling some members with the Imperius Curse, though it was still unknown who was under their influence. The Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, was remaining vigilant and holding press conferences about the Ministry's continued fight against dark forces, despite the wizarding world still reeling from Dumbledore's death.

As you sat in the living room, you stayed silent as you were told about the less publicised events that had occurred, including the discovery of the body of the murdered Charity Burbage, who had been the Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts until her disappearance at the start of the summer.

Fred rested his hand on your knee as you listened carefully to the updates, and Mad-Eye paced around behind the couch as described his plan for getting Harry out of Privet Drive safely. Harry had convinced the Dursleys to leave their home and move somewhere else, so now he was alone and awaited the Order's arrival.

"So are we all in agreement then? Two days from now, we will retrieve Potter and bring him back here," Mad-Eye asked but he didn't wait for an answer, "alright then, don't be late. Privet Drive at eight o'clock."

The meeting was adjourned and you all stood and convened in the kitchen. Fred and George went over to talk to their father, Mad-Eye and Kingsley, and you were beckoned over by Bill and Fleur.

Fleur threw her arms around you and hugged you tightly, then she pulled back, "it is so good to see you again, Y/N. I did not get to speak with you after...that night." She looked over her shoulder at Bill who approached you and also hugged you tightly.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now