Chapter 52: The Ambush

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Once everyone was dressed in the same set of clothes, Mad-Eye addressed the room, "right then, we'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector." He walked around and assigned everyone with each other.

"Y/L/N, you and Remus will take the front with George. Flank him and hold position," you nodded and looked over at Fred, well, Harry, and he looked at you anxiously.

You walked over to him and squeezed his hand, "don't worry, we'll look after each other. I'll be alright." He nodded and pulled you into a hug, and it was strange since his body was completely different but you just closed your eyes and listened to his voice, "don't let anyone get the jump on you, alright? Be safe," he pressed a kiss to your cheek and then stood over with Arthur.

"Ready, Y/N?" George asked as he handed you a broom.

"Ready, George. Let's go," you told him and then you all gathered outside. Harry set Hedwig off into the air, you only knew it was the real him because of his owl, and gave you a single nod of acknowledgement as you climbed up onto your broom, George was on your left, and Remus flanked his other side.

"Head for the Burrow," Mad-Eye instructed, "we'll rendezvous there." You nodded in agreement and his blue eye swivelled from you to everyone else. You gripped your broom tightly and triple-checked your wand holster at your hip to make sure your wand was easily accessible.

"On the count of three! One...two...three!"

You all shot up into the sky, making sure George was close to your left, "alright, Georgie?" you asked and he nodded, "you?"

You grinned at him as you gained height in the sky, "absolutely smashing." But while you rose into the dark clouds, you instantly knew something was wrong and your smile disappeared from your face.

You, Remus and George were immediately set upon by Death Eaters, and you just barely ducked a curse as it flew over your shoulder. You grabbed your wand and shot multiple jinxes ahead of you and one of your targets fell from their broom. You and Remus flanked George closely as Death Eaters sent blasts his way, and multiple furious roars of 'which one?' and 'where are you?' sounded from around you.

You desperately wanted to look around for Fred and the others, but you knew a moment of distraction could prove fatal, so you continued jinxing and blocking as you soared through the air. George was being herded like cattle by three Death Eaters and you and Remus had no choice but to follow him as he turned directions while the others overtook you.

Remus was almost driven off his broom by one blast that he blocked at the last second, and you were being flanked by two more Death Eaters while a third was gaining on George. Your experience as a Chaser gave you quick reflexes and you feigned a dive which caused your two attackers to fly downwards, allowing you to set their brooms on fire as they spiraled to the ground. You quickly flew towards George and your heart almost fell out of your chest as you saw a curse being sent his way, knocking him clean off his broom.

"GEORGE NO!" you screamed and you pointed your wand at his assailant, "Stupefy!" and the stunned Death Eater likely fell to their death but you didn't care, your only thought was diving after George as he fell from the sky.

You flew downwards so quickly that the cold wind whipped your face and made tears stream from your eyes, but it also could've been the result of the shock of seeing your best friend being shot from the sky.

You saw him falling and he was clearly unconscious so you flew under him and intercepted him on your broom, thankful that he was in Harry's smaller frame as you pulled him to your chest and held on tightly, but that advantage was short-lived as his red hair sprouted from his head and his legs grew and weighed your broom down. You struggled to keep hold of both him and the broom and you felt hot blood covering your neck and shoulder as you clung to him and his head lolled backwards.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now