Chapter 43: The Reunion

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You all spent the night in the Hospital Wing and Hermione was brought back to consciousness by Madam Pomfrey. Whatever curse had been put on her had given her internal injuries across her chest, despite there being no visible cuts, but thankfully it was nothing serious. Ginny's broken ankle was reset before being put in a splint which caused her to scream obscenities across the Hospital Wing that would've made Fred and George proud, and Neville's nose was also reset, but he didn't swear he just screamed 'son of a Boggart!!' while biting back tears.

Your arm was thankfully only sprained and it was bandaged securely and you were put in a sling while you had healing salve put on the gash on your head. Harry, Ron and Luna escaped with only minor cuts and bruises, but they were also kept overnight in case they developed concussions.

The following morning you were due to get the Hogwarts Express back to Platform 9¾ and you realised when you woke up that as far as your other friends knew, you hadn't come back at all that evening and they were probably worried. Your suspicions were confirmed as the doors of the Hospital Wing were flung open at about half eight that morning and the four of them stormed in.

"Oh good, you're alive. Thanks for letting us know," Lee said as he scoffed halfheartedly at you and sat down on the chair next to your bed, propping his feet up on the bed.

"What on earth were you thinking, Y/N?" Bea exclaimed while Angelina folded her arms and stared at you, "she wasn't thinking, Beatrice."

"Nice to see you too, guys," you groaned, the two girls' anger left them and they hugged you gently. Angelina kissed the top of your bed and sat beside you while Bea and Alicia sat on the end of the bed, Alicia shoving Lee's feet off so she had more room to sit.

"Sorry, Y/N, we were just really worried when you didn't come back to the dorm last night, you left no note or anything," Angelina said tiredly. You gripped her hand, "I'm sorry for worrying you, there just wasn't time to explain everything. How did you hear what happened?"

Alicia pulled a copy of the Daily Prophet from her bag, "this morning at breakfast we got this and we ran in here as soon as we heard the mention of 'Harry Potter and a group of fellow Hogwarts students,' and sure enough you were here."

You took the newspaper from her and read the front cover which was splashed with a huge headline, 'HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED RETURNS,' and you exhaled with relief, finally the Ministry had undeniable proof of what Harry and Dumbledore had been telling them from the beginning.

"Flip over to the next page, it'll make your day," Lee said with a grin as he popped a sweet into his mouth. You turned over to the next page and a grin spread across your face as you took in the photograph of Umbridge looking miserable while her trunks were piled up beside her, the headline reading 'Umbridge Suspended Pending Investigation.'

"This is bloody brilliant! Fred and George will be so-" you cut yourself off, "oh Merlin, they're going to see this and know I was with Harry, what if they think something's happened?"

"McGonagall sent an owl to Mum, Y/N," Ginny said as she stirred awake from the bed beside you, "she told us last night but you'd already fallen asleep. Mum will have told the twins that you're alright."

You sighed in relief, "okay, well at least I shouldn't expect a Howler from them to scream at me for not 'being careful' like they asked."

Alicia snickered, "yeah because they set such a good example themselves." You all burst into laughter and then Madam Pomfrey came over, she checked your arm and your head wound and told you that you were free to go and to take it easy for a few days while the healing potion did its job. She discharged the others soon after and then you went upstairs to pack your dorm for the last time after saying an emotional goodbye to Bea and the two girls who'd already packed and brought their trunks down. You hugged them each tightly and agreed to make plans to meet up over the summer between job interviews.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant