Chapter 8: The Reconciliation

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Your summer at home went by quickly and you were glad of it, because while you were happy to be with your parents, you were still counting down the days until you went to the Burrow before the Quidditch World Cup. You wondered how things would be between you and Fred when you saw him again, because the last time you were together as you said goodbye on Platform 9¾, you could barely look at him without wanting to cry. You'd spent the summer trying to push away your feelings, constantly reminding yourself that you and him were only friends, and that you would never be more than that to him.

You missed all of your friends while you were home, but you were grateful for how frequently they wrote to you. Most of your letters were from the twins and you also wrote to Hermione a lot as you both traded recommendations of your favourite Muggle books to occupy yourselves over the summer break. You had exchanged house phone numbers with both Hermione and Harry when you'd first become friends with them, and occasionally Hermione would ring you for a quick catch-up as well as writing to you, but Harry stuck with sending letters to avoid conflict with his aunt and uncle who despised the very existence of Harry's friends.

A couple of your letters were from the rest of your friend group, Lee, Angelina and Alicia, and you also got some correspondence from Cedric, Bea, and Ginny. Ron, on the other hand, never wrote to you because that's just who he was as a person.  But this summer he did, which took you completely by surprise.


Please come over soon, the twins are so annoying without you here to shut them up.

PS. please bring some of those Muggle sweets you brought over last year, thanks.


You laughed at that one because it was just so typically Ron, unfiltered and concerned about food. You replied to all of your letters in one afternoon, but only gave Lyra one to deliver each day so she wouldn't get too tired from flying across the country. You lay down on your bed in your childhood bedroom and absentmindedly picked up Fred's most recent letter from your bedside table, where you left it after reading it multiple times the previous night.

Dear Y/N,

I know it hasn't even been two months since school finished for the summer but it's strange looking down and not seeing you there. I hope you're doing well, Mum and Dad send their love and they look forward to having you back in two weeks, and so do we of course! See you soon.

Yours, Fred


A couple of weeks later, you had just finished packing for the Burrow when you heard loud chatter downstairs, you felt excitement filling your chest as you recognised the voices. Shutting your trunk, you dragged the heavy thing down the stairs and made your way to the kitchen. Mr Weasley was talking animatedly with your parents about his fascination with the television remote he held in his hand, which explained why the television screen kept switching on and off.

The twins were standing nearby observing the conversation with a mixture of interest and confusion on their faces. You lingered in the doorway for a moment, just watching the scene, but you couldn't wait any longer before walking in and taking in the way the twins' faces lit up at the sight of you.

George reached you first and lifted you up in a hug and spun you around in the middle of the kitchen, "if it's not Y/N Y/L/N herself!" He put you down and ruffled your hair which you had literally just brushed, but you couldn't find it in you to scold him.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now