Chapter 40: The Head of House

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Umbridge was on edge following the twins' literally explosive exit from the school, and despite your attempts to blend in with the crowd as they took off, Umbridge had made a beeline directly for you.

"YOU!" she shrieked as she stalked across the courtyard towards you, causing those around you to scatter back. She got right up in your space and pointed a finger directly into your face as she seethed venomously, "I know you had something to do with this, and just because those little shits aren't here to face punishment, you are. And so help me, I will make you regret the day you-"

"Dolores," a calm but stern voice spoke from behind you. You turned around to see McGonagall approaching with Flitwick, and she appraised the other witch with barely masked disdain as she spoke, "may I remind you that punishments towards students ought to be issued by their Heads of House?"

"Well, Minerva," Umbridge turned to McGonagall with wild eyes and a tight smile, "may I remind you, that I am the Headmistress of the school, not you. And I will punish students as I see fit."

"And what proof do you have of Miss Y/L/N's involvement?" McGonagall asked evenly, and you could see the intrigued whispers of onlookers as they watched the exchange.

"I beg your pardon?" Umbridge asked, though she clearly wasn't asking a question, more like giving McGonagall a chance to back down from the conversation, but to your relief she didn't.

"Proof, Dolores," McGonagall stated as if she were talking to a toddler, "you must have proof of a student's involvement in illicit activities before punishing them. As Headmistress, surely you must know this."

Umbridge spluttered indignantly, "I know she was involved because of her association with those troublemakers, and I can hold her responsible for their transgressions today."

"Well, actually, you can't," McGonagall said plainly, "as you'll find that until the exit of the Weasley twins, Miss Y/L/N was with me for her final careers advice meeting." You spared a look at McGonagall, astonished that she was defending you to such an extent that she'd lie for you, but the tall witch merely stared at Umbridge.

"Minerva, I advise you to think very hard about this, because if I find out that you are lying I will-"

"You'll what, Dolores? Dismiss me? Have me write lines with one of those abhorrent quills of yours?" McGonagall asked without a hint of hesitation and gasps sounded from the otherwise silent crowd in the courtyard.

When Umbridge stared at her with her mouth agape, McGonagall continued, "I think we both know that you'll do neither of those things, now if you'll excuse us, I would like to finish my meeting with Miss Y/L/N."

She nodded pointedly at you and then walked past. You followed her, glancing at Umbridge whose face was almost purple with fury. Intrigued whispers were exchanged between students as they watched you and McGonagall departing, and then Umbridge screamed at them to get back to class and the crowd dispersed.

You silently followed McGonagall up to her office and she shut the door behind you and sat down heavily at her desk and took off her pointed hat. She sighed irritably, "that woman," she scowled and then she looked up at you and gestured for you to sit down which you did.

"Tea?" she asked and you nodded gratefully.

"Now Miss Y/L/N, obviously I am aware of the fact that you at least had prior knowledge of the Weasleys' planned departure today, yes?" She asked you with a neutral tone and expression and you didn't bother lying.

"Yes, Professor," you told her sheepishly and she merely nodded.

"Well I'm glad that you decided to stay, I assume to complete your NEWTs?" she asked you as she poured herself a cup of tea from her teapot and then passed it to you on the floating serving tray.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now