Chapter 29: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor

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You kept your head down for the rest of the first week of school, so when the weekend finally rolled around you felt like you could finally relax. The Gryffindor common room was abuzz with activity and lively pop music was blaring from the small gramophone in the corner.

The reason for the fun and cheerful atmosphere was because that evening, Fred and George were officially launching their Skiving Snackboxes, and taking volunteers to try their new sweets, paying each a Galleon for their trouble.

The twins stood up on the couch and addressed the common room, "good evening, fellow Gryffindors and revolutionaries, and thank you for joining us this fine evening!" Fred said loudly with a huge grin on his face. Cheers erupted from the students and you and Lee cheered along loudly, with Angelina and Alicia.

"Have you ever wanted to skive off class, but have never been able to convince your teachers that you were ill?" George asked and a number of students bellowed their agreement.

"Do you want an easy, foolproof way of getting a one way ticket out of that class you hate?" Fred asked as they both continued to rile up the crowd and people eagerly shouted their agreement.

"And above all," George said, and Fred joined in as they shouted in unison, "do you hate Umbridge?" Screams erupted from the students and everyone clapped and cheered.

"Skiving Snackboxes, your easy escape from that dreaded class without any long term complications!" George declared.

"We've got Puking Pastilles!" Fred said as he held up a handful of the orange and blue sweets.

"Nosebleed Nougat!" George echoed.

"Fainting Fancies!"

"Fever Fudge!"

"All available from your favourite local businessmen, right here in Gryffindor Tower!" Fred exclaimed excitedly.

"We need volunteers to try out these marvelous munchies, so if you're interested, please give your names to our fabulous assistant, Mr Lee Jordan!" George waved a hand in Lee's direction and the boy proudly raised his hand to acknowledge the eager spectators.

"Oh, and if you want to buy some sweets from us, you get a small discount if you plan on using them in Umbridge's classes! The Umbridge-itis Discount is available for every product!" Fred announced with a showman's grin on his face, and then the twins bowed and then hopped down off the couch, and the sheer volume of the cheers in the common room reminded you of a Quidditch match.

Lee picked up his clipboard and moved to the corner of the common room and stood up on the bench by the wall, "interested volunteers please line up and give me your names! If you do partake in the trials then you will be given one Gold Galleon for each sweet you try, by yours truly. But please consult with Fred and George about the effects of the sweets before trying anything because we do not want any complaints later, thank you very much!"

You had managed to convince the twins earlier that it would be better to tell the students about the side-effects of the sweets, from an ethical point of view. They reluctantly agreed but did decide to chat with the volunteer test subjects about the effects of each sweet, and you were surprised that the information didn't deter that many, if any, from partaking.

Hermione was furious at the whole arrangement and took her role as a Prefect very seriously, fighting Fred and George every step of the way as they organised their launch of the Snackboxes. You tried to play devil's advocate and told her that if the students knew what they were getting themselves into, and they were getting paid, then really there was no problem. She scowled at you and then gave out to Ron for not trying to stop it too.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now