Chapter 45: The First Time

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A/N: Hi friends! Just a little content warning before you read - there are mild descriptions of sex in this chapter. It's not explicit because the thought of writing smut scares me lmao but it is very mature, so be aware of that! Love u x


The first official day of the shop's opening a week later had queues lined up all down the length of the street as excited children, teenagers and adults alike waited for the doors to open at nine o'clock that morning. Fred and George wore matching suits and you wore a knee length grey skirt with simple black heels and a white blouse, figuring you also needed to look professional if you were going to be helping to run a business over the summer before your Auror interview in September.

You straightened your white blouse and then walked to the twins who were pacing around each other nervously while checking their watches and the clock on the wall over the counter, you grabbed them both by the sleeves of their jackets to stop them pacing.

"Oi, will you two relax! Did you not see the queues that have been out there for the past hour? Everyone's going to love it!" You reassured them and they sighed and agreed with you.

"You're right, love. And it's almost nine, so let's show these people what they've been missing out on," Fred said with a grin and George puffed out his chest and straightened his jacket, "heck yeah."

They moved to the door but you held Fred back momentarily and reached up to straighten his tie. He was wearing the purple silk one you'd gotten for him for his birthday and he and George each had silver 'W' pins on the front of their ties, and you had one pinned to your blouse too.

"Go get 'em, love," you said to him and he blushed at the name and kissed you softly, then he and George went over to the double doors where excited kids were trying to peek through the frosted glass. You walked to the middle of the shop and stood behind the counter, making sure everything was in order and preparing for the inevitable onslaught of customers you'd be facing at the till while the twins manned the floor for the day.

They both looked back at you with a hand each on the door handles and you gave them two thumbs up and an excited grin, and then they looked at each other.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

George turned the 'closed' sign around and they flung open the double doors, cheerfully greeting the eager crowd, turning on their impressive showman charm as they introduced themselves and the shop, and after loud cheers exploded from the crowd, they stepped back and allowed the children to run in.

You were constantly on the move as an endless stream of customers spread their purchases out on the counter and after a number of hours, Fred came around and kissed the top of your head, "I'll take over here if you want to go out on the floor for a bit?"

You agreed and squeezed his hand as he leaned over the counter and chattered excitedly with two little kids who told him they were spending their pocket money in the shop, while their father smiled fondly down at him and told Fred that he was a bit of a prankster himself back in his day.

The exchange made your heart flutter and you smiled as you walked upstairs to the WonderWitch section which you took the utmost pride in. You'd designed the display and decided that a pink and purple colour theme to match the bottles and boxes would be ideal. You had the shelves lined with magical pink roses that smelled wonderful and the love potions were on a display stand that was meant to imitate an open flower with rose petals scattered between the bottles.

The section was on the top floor and was strictly only for customers over the age of fifteen, and to your delight, it was packed with teenagers. You quickly reorganised the shelves that had obviously been rifled through and stocked up a few things that were already running short.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now