Chapter 13: The Champions

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Days later, you were awoken by a tapping on your window. You pulled yourself out of bed and walked over to the window where you saw Lyra patiently standing out on the ledge with a note in her beak. You opened the window quickly, so as not to let in the cold air and the owl flew in, landing on your outstretched arm. You took the parchment from her beak and set her down on her perch on your bedside table, and as you unfolded the parchment you absentmindedly fed the owl some treats from the pouch in your drawer.

Dearest Y/N,

Meet us in the corridor on the lower west floor as soon as you can, 4th door on the right.

PS: don't worry about breakfast, we've got you sorted.

Yours, Fred

You stared at the letter in confusion and checked your watch which told you that it was six o'clock in the morning. You didn't have your first class of the day until 10, but you'd planned on going to the library early before Charms to write up some notes, but not this early. The things you did for those twins sometimes astounded you and you groaned internally as you quietly dressed yourself, careful not to wake Angelina and Alicia who were still sound asleep. You pulled your robes over your uniform and let Lyra fly back out to the owlery before running down to meet the boys.

You went to the room you were directed to, careful not to let anyone see you as almost everyone should still be in bed. You knocked quietly on the door and had to stifle a shriek as it opened immediately and you were pulled into the room, which was more of a storage space with old cupboards and shelves lining the walls.

Fred grinned down at you, "good morning, love. Thank you for joining us."

George waved at you from his cross-legged position on the floor, "'morning." He was sitting by a small cauldron and surrounded by an odd assortment of jars, vials and pouches. "What are you guys doing?" you asked them warily and they both flashed matching smiles at you.

"Ageing potion," George said simply as you and Fred walked over to him. You burst out laughing but stopped when you saw them smirking at you, "oh, you're actually being serious. All of this to enter the tournament?"

Fred nodded as he sat down on an old chair, tipping it back slightly as he crossed his arms behind his head, "Bagman cheated us out of money, and the prize for winning the Triwizard Tournament is one thousand Galleons, who wouldn't want that?"

"But you heard Dumbledore, the tournament is extremely dangerous!" you protested, even though you knew there was no point fighting them at this stage.

"Danger is my middle name, love," Fred replied with a smirk.

"This is ridiculous! You can't possibly think that the pair of you can just make an ageing potion and get past whatever charm Dumbledore put on the goblet of fire?" You were astounded but you also had to secretly admire their determination.

"Exactly," the twins said at the same time.

"Which is why we're not making it," George said.

"You are," Fred finished with a wink.

You stared at them in shock, "no way."

"Y/N, you know we're both rubbish at potions, we're not even taking the class this year," Fred reasoned with you.

"And you know you love us and really do want to help us fulfill our lifelong dreams of being Triwizard Champions," George said and he wiggled his eyebrows at you.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now