Chapter 9: The Quidditch World Cup

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"Y/N! Wake up! We've got to go!" someone roughly shaking your shoulder jerked you awake, shocking you so much that you rolled off the bed onto the floor. The air was knocked out of you as you hit the wooden floorboards, "oof- ouch." Thankfully the bed wasn't high so you were close enough to the floor and didn't have far to fall.

"I'm so sorry Y/N- but you overslept and we're running late already!"

You pulled yourself to your feet with a groan, "Hermione, you know I love you, but if you scare me like that again I take no responsibility for where my fists fly when I'm half-asleep."

"Okay, noted. Sorry," she smiled apologetically as she pulled her curly hair into a ponytail, "I'll see you downstairs! I'll make you some breakfast."

"Thanks, Hermione!" You dressed yourself and then pulled on your coat and boots, brushing your hair back into a plait as you ran down the stairs with your bag swinging from one shoulder, "I'm here everyone! Sorry!"

"Nice of you to finally join us, Y/N!" George greeted you teasingly, between mouthfuls of buttered toast.

You rolled your eyes at him as you made your way over to Hermione as she dished out breakfast for herself, Ginny and you, "thanks, Hermione, you're the best."

"Y/N, dear, the kettle has just boiled if you want to make yourself a quick cup of tea," Mrs Weasley called from where she was hovering around the dining table, making sure that Harry and Ron were eating enough.

"Okay Molly, thanks!" You said gratefully as you made your way over to the kettle, Fred was already there pouring hot water into two mugs, "the one on the left is yours, Sleeping Beauty."

"Thank you, Frederick."

"We're taking a Portkey so finish your breakfast quickly. We've a long walk ahead of us, which is good because trust me, using a Portkey straight after eating is not a pretty sight," he grimaced before taking a sip of his hot tea.

"Let me guess, you stuffed your face and threw up everywhere once you landed?"

"Thankfully not me, no. But poor Ronald over there snuck an extra serving of mum's casserole right before we went to visit our Aunt Muriel and-"

"Okay I think I get the idea, but thanks for sharing Freddie. I really needed that mental image this morning."

Fred huffed a laugh, and then looked down at you, "you wore the F/C shirt like I suggested."

"Yes I did."

"Good. It looks good," he smiled at you and then he crossed the room to help his dad with last minute preparations, leaving you to beam giddily into your mug of tea.


You all left the Burrow and began your walk across the fields, and a short while later two figures appeared in the distance. "Who's that?" You asked George who you were walking with, he shielded his eyes against the sun with his hand and squinted in the direction you were pointing.

"The Diggorys, Cedric and his father Amos. We're travelling with them," George said, "they live over there somewhere, over that hill," he pointed vaguely to your left.

"Oh, I had no idea they lived so close," you replied. You thought you might've seen Cedric around one of these years since he lived just across the field and over the hill from the Burrow.

"I'm pretty certain they were travelling for the whole summer, they tend to do that every year. Dad has been mates with Amos for years, you see," George explained. He then turned his attention directly to you and completely changed the subject as he bumped his shoulder against yours, "are things with you and Freddie back to normal again?"

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now