Chapter 50: The Astronomy Tower

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"I want to join the Order," you told Tonks as you patrolled the Hogwarts grounds on a warm evening in June. You were almost finished your first year of Auror training and you figured you were at least competent enough to help. She looked at you with raised eyebrows and then she smiled, "I can't say I'm surprised, but it'll be dangerous work, you have to know that."

"I do, but I'm constantly hearing about people going missing or winding up dead, I need to do more. The twins want to join as well, even though Molly will try to stop them."

Tonks thought about it, "we'll set up a meeting for the three of you over the summer, how does that sound?"

"Brilliant! Thanks, Tonks," you grinned at her and she pulled you into a side hug.

"Will we head over to the courtyard next? I think-"

You grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop, staring up at the sky, "Tonks."

She looked at you and then followed your gaze to the horrifying greenish shape forming in the clouds. The Dark Mark had been cast above the Astronomy Tower.

"Shit shit shit. We have to find the others, there's been a breach," she exclaimed and then you both took off running into the castle to find her colleagues. It was late, so most students were in their common rooms, and the rest you saw were instructed by Tonks to go to their dorms and stay hidden.

"Y/N?" you turned around and a familiar figure was striding towards you. "Bill!" you exclaimed as he pulled you into a tight hug.

"The Order are here?" Tonks asked and Bill nodded, "we just got here, McGonagall sent us a message once she saw the Dark Mark. The other Aurors have gone down to Hogsmeade to secure the area."

"Y/N, stay with Bill, I'm going to find Remus," Tonks instructed you, looking more stern than you'd ever seen her. You nodded once at her and then she ran off.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Bill asked, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you from marching down the corridor.

"I was here for Auror-training Field Practice," you explained and then you made to start walking down the hallway again but he gently grabbed your elbow and pulled you to a stop.

He ran his other hand through his shoulder-length red hair, clearly stressed, but he stared down at you with a frown, "well, this is Order business now, so we'll get you to the nearest Floo-"

"I'm officially joining the Order soon anyway, so I'm staying," you interrupted, giving him a look that showed you weren't going anywhere. He relented with an exasperated sigh and released your arm, and you both scanned the corridors with your wands up and ready to use.

"Fine. But you do realise the twins will kill me if something happens to you, right?" he asked you with a hint of snark in his tone.

"Well if something happens, don't let them catch you, hm?" you countered and he rolled his eyes in amusement as you marched through the castle.

"We need to check the passageways, make sure they weren't used," you told him firmly. When he looked at you in confusion you continued, "the twins and I found seven secret passages in the castle, eight if you count the secret stairs to the Astronomy Tower, and nine if you count the one I found to the boys' dorm in Gryffindor Tower."

"Of course the three of you found secret bloody passages in an already-magical castle," he muttered and then he raised his brows at you, "wait, did you say a stairs to the Astronomy Tower?"

Without answering you ran down an empty hallway towards the familiar corridor with the large tapestry. You touched your wand to the wall and it folded back as it always had and you ran up the stairs with Bill following close behind.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now