Chapter 18: Christmas Day

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It was early on Christmas morning, and while the majority of the student population was still recovering from the Yule Ball the previous night, there was still an air of excitement around the school. You decided to go to the boys' dormitory with the gifts you'd bought, so pulling on a thick woolly jumper over your pyjamas, you gathered your wrapped gifts and walked out of the room, careful not to wake Angelina and Alicia who were still asleep. You made sure no one was around and then you moved the tapestry aside and took your usual route to the boys' room through the secret passageway. Once you reached the trapdoor, you knocked four times, which was your code to let them know it was you, and not someone else trying to break into their room.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N!" George grinned down at you as he pulled open the trapdoor and helped you out of the floor. He was still in his pyjamas but was wearing a woolly blue jumper with a large 'G' on the front over them, "you grew out of last year's one then?" you asked him as you stepped up into the room and helped to put the rug back down.

He nodded, "I sure did, but Mum was happy to give it to Ginny as well as her own, and she made me a new one. Fred got one too." The mention of the other twin's name made your heart flutter and as you walked across the room to put your wrapped gifts on Fred's trunk, you saw that he wasn't there.

"Where's Freddie?" you asked George, hoping that you were hiding your eagerness well.

"He's in the bathroom," came a response from the other side of the room. Lee was slowly getting out of his bed and yawned loudly, "oh and Merry Christmas, Y/N."

"Merry Christmas, Lee," you replied and then you went over and sat on Fred's bed, ready to exchange gifts like you did every year.

"Have a good night last night, Y/N?" George asked and you flushed, but he gave no mischievous grin or anything, so you answered as neutrally as possible.

"Yeah I had a brilliant night, it was great to see everyone having fun. Did you have fun?" You asked him as he went over to pull a number of wrapped gifts from his trunk.

"Yeah I had a blast," he told you cheerfully, but then he scowled, "Filch confiscated my fireworks though which was a pain in the arse. Silly old git couldn't take a night off."

You laughed at that and then the door opened, and Fred walked into the room, also wearing a blue jumper from his mother. His face lit up when he saw you and he crossed the room in less than four steps. You stood up from the bed to meet him and without thinking you both leaned in as he took your face in his hands and kissed you tenderly.

"Um. I think I missed something here," Lee said obnoxiously loudly after a moment and you both jumped back from each other, having gotten completely caught up in the moment and forgetting that you were standing in the dormitory with George and Lee. You stared wide-eyed at your two friends, completely at a loss of what to say about the scene they just witnessed.

George's face suddenly split into a huge grin, "it's about BLOODY TIME," he hopped up on his bed and whooped loudly, pumping a fist in the air, and then he pointed at Lee who still stood staring at you in incredulity, "you owe me five Galleons, mate."

You blinked in shock and then turned to Fred who looked equally as astonished as you, and as you looked at him you couldn't help but notice the pink flush that blotched his cheeks. Lee groaned loudly and moved to his bedside table and pulled out a pouch of coins, which snapped you back to reality.

"You made a bet on us?" you demanded, looking between your two friends who showed polar opposite emotions on their faces, George was delighted, and Lee was disappointed as he handed over the currency.

"Uh yeah, of course we did, Y/N," George said, looking at you as if you'd asked him something incredibly stupid. At your continued confusion he elaborated and waved his hand animatedly in the air, "after watching your disgusting lovey-dovey eyes all night, I was convinced you'd end up snogging."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now