Chapter 24: Grimmauld Place

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The next morning you were awoken by Molly pulling back the curtains in your room and the three of you groaned against the sudden onslaught of sunlight. 

"Up you get! We have a busy few weeks ahead of us if we're going to make this house habitable," Molly said cheerfully. Ginny groaned and pulled the blanket over her head in protest, "come on get up! You and the boys are all being assigned chores as soon as you've eaten breakfast, be downstairs in ten minutes!" And with that, she swept out of the room, and the three of you groaned in complaint.

You eventually dragged yourself out of bed and got dressed and then the three of you walked downstairs to the kitchen in the basement. Ron had his forehead resting on the dining table, looking like he was trying to pretend he was still in bed and George tilted his mug of tea up at the three of you in greeting, "morning."

Hermione and Ginny went over to the cooker to help themselves to the cooked breakfast and you were about to follow them when you felt strong arms hug you from behind.

"Morning, love," Fred said, pressing a kiss down onto your shoulder. You flushed at the tenderness of the gesture, "morning, Freddie."

He let go of you but casually slipped his fingers into yours as if it was the most natural gesture in the world and your heart felt like it could burst. Hermione and Ginny had finished at the cooker and were now sitting at the table beside Ron and George, so Fred walked you over to get yourselves some breakfast.

He let go of your hand as you moved over to the saucepans and he reached over you to take down plates and mugs from the shelf above your head. He held the plates out to you as you dished out the breakfast and you passed him the boiled kettle as he opened the box of teabags. The whole activity was so obscenely domestic that you felt like you could explode from pure happiness, and as you carried the two mugs of tea to the table, he followed you with the two plates.

The others weren't paying any attention to you, and you were glad of it because this was just a moment for you and Fred, and judging by the light blush of his cheeks and the content smile on his face, his mind was on the same track as yours. You sat side by side at the table and Fred kissed your cheek and you giggled while he grinned fondly at you.

"Right in front of my breakfast?" George scowled, but you could tell he was teasing.

"You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend," Ginny taunted him and George scowled for real this time, "shut up Ginny, you're like twelve."

"I'm fourteen you tosser," Ginny snapped and George moved to toss a forkful of scrambled eggs on her, but they froze in mid air.

"If you're quite finished acting like infants, there's work to be done so hurry yourselves," Molly scolded as she marched into the room, directing the floating scrambled eggs back to George's plate.

Fred had been surprisingly silent throughout the exchange between his siblings, and you nudged him with your knee and raised your brow at him, "you okay?" You whispered and he nodded quickly, "yeah, just thinking."

"Don't hurt yourself," you answered dryly and he chuckled, "you're hilarious, love. But I am actually thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

He leaned in to whisper in your ear, "thinking about where in the house I can get you alone for five bloody minutes without being interrupted by someone." You snorted and lightly slapped his shoulder and he winked at you playfully, and then you felt eyes on you. Molly was watching you both from across the table and clutching a dishcloth over her chest in both hands as if she were praying with it, "you two, together at last. Oh my days, it only took six years."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now