Chapter 7: The OWLs

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The next two months leading up to your OWLs passed by in a blur, and you and Fred didn't talk about what had happened that night. The first few days afterwards were awkward, but both of you were too stubborn to bring it up again, and as time went on things were fine and you started acting like normal once again.

You didn't bring anything up with Angelina either, and neither did she, but things were never awkward with her since she wasn't the one you frustration has been directed towards. The dynamic of your friend group went back to the way it was before, but you did notice that Fred and Angelina weren't acting any differently towards each other, they acted entirely the same as they always had as if nothing had happened.

As June approached, you threw yourself into your studies and refused to let any silly thoughts distract you. The exams came and went and you were relieved when they were finally finished, and as you and the twins walked out of your last exam, History of Magic, which was the most boring class you had and it was also the very last exam of the summer. So naturally, the three of you had to end the year on a high note..

Ten minutes later, your heart was pounding in your chest as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, and the laughs and whoops of delight echoed through the corridor as the twins ran behind you. They soon caught up with you and easily sped by you as their growth spurt from the start of the year allowed their long legs to cover twice the distance that yours could.

"Hurry Y/N, Filch will know exactly who those Dungbombs belong to so we have to get out of here!" Fred yelled from ahead of you as George cackled from beside him.

"I'm trying! It's not my fault you have freakishly long legs, Weasley!" He responded with a loud laugh and they kept running before turning a corner. You followed but unfortunately for you, you rounded the corner and ran straight into another person, sending you both flying to the hard floor.

"Oof-" you grunted as you hit the concrete tiles. You heard an angry groan from beside you.

You pushed yourself off the floor and turned to the other person, "I am so so sorry, I didn't see you-" you cut yourself off once you saw who was glaring at you, being helped up by her friends.

Of course, out of every single witch or wizard under the roof of the castle, you just had to literally run into Veronica Spratt.

"Sorry Veronica, it was an accident," you said to the tall blonde witch in front of you, trying to stay civil.

"It's okay, Y/L/N, it was my fault," Veronica said simply, causing you to do a double take before she continued, "I should've smelled your Muggle stink from down the hall." And there it was.

You rolled your eyes at her remark, "whatever," and you turned away from her, about to head in the direction Fred and George had run off to. But the second you moved she grabbed you by the arm and before you could grasp what was happening, you were being spun around and slammed into the wall.

"I was talking to you, you dirty Mudblood," she hissed in your face, her dark eyes narrowed in hatred as she held you by your collar. You were honestly beyond caring what she said to you at this point in your school career, the insult had affected you deeply in first year when she first said it to you but since then, it had gotten old.

You laughed in her face, "you were talking to me? Sorry Veronica, I couldn't hear you over the size of your massive need for validation from everyone around you. It's okay, we all get insecure sometimes," you smiled sweetly and patted her hand patronisingly, her fingers still bunched in your collar. Then you shoved her off you and started walking away again, but she wasn't done yet.

"I'm not finished with you you little-"

But she was interrupted by a familiar male voice that came from behind you, "Veronica I think you've embarrassed yourself quite enough for one school year, don't you? Go home." You turned around with a grin at the sound of your friend's voice.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now