Chapter 38: The Betrayal

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The rest of April passed in a blur, you played your final Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Despite your doubts about winning after the tough match against Hufflepuff in January, the team's morale had been boosted after weeks of training and you won the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor. Aside from celebrating with the crowd on the pitch afterwards, there wasn't much of a celebration due to the impending NEWTs that were still a number of weeks away, but the stress of them determining your eligibility for certain careers made it difficult to focus on much else.

The D.A. meetings provided reprieve from the stresses of studying, and you felt more confident in your preparation for your practical DADA exams than you thought possible due to the constant practicing you were doing.

One evening at the end of April you were in the Room of Requirement, practicing your defensive spells and casting your Patronus Charms until they needed less thought and could be cast quickly, which would be necessary if you did have to defend yourself.

A sudden tremor filled the room and made the glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling shake. The light of the Patronus Charms disappeared as everyone slowly moved to stand closer together. Another tremor shook the room, louder than the last, and you stood next to the twins and Bea and watched warily as Harry and Nigel walked over to the wall that the noise seemed to be coming from.

The next bang was so loud that the mirror on the wall shattered and you all immediately raised your wands in preparation for a potential threat. Tense silence filled the room as Harry got closer and bent down to look through a crack that had formed in the wall behind the shattered mirror. Whatever he saw made him grab Nigel and run away from the wall, just as it exploded inwards and sent shards of stone and dust flying towards the group. You and Bea were standing in front of the group and reacted quickly, casting Shield Charms to shelter everyone from the flying debris.

The dust settled and you saw Umbridge standing on the other side of the now destroyed wall with Filch and members of the Inquisitorial Squad. Cho gasped from beside you when her friend Marietta Edgecombe was pulled by Draco to face you all, the word 'SNEAK' written across her forehead in nasty purple boils.

At that moment you realised that you were trapped and as Umbridge and her companions stepped into the room, you knew that there was nowhere for you to run to. Just as Umbridge shouted for the Inquisitorial Squad to get you, the wall on the other side of the Room opened into a doorway.

"What are you waiting for!?" Harry yelled, "RUN!"

You all darted out of the room, pulling the smaller kids with you as you broke into a sprint across the school, the shouting of the Inquisitorial Squad echoing from behind you as they chased you all. As you ran you reached into the pocket of Fred's robe and pulled out a small handful of the fireworks you knew he always carried with him, "go! I'll distract them!" You told the twins and they nodded as they pulled the frightened first and second years along with them, while Ginny and Neville pushed them along from the back of the group.

You ducked behind a large stone torch and threw the fireworks around the corner and pointed your wand at them to set them off. The lights and banging caught the attention of some of the Inquisitorial Squad and they burst through the corridor, in the opposite direction of where the D.A. members had gone.

You turned around just in time to see Harry being tripped up by Malfoy and then hauled to his feet. You met Harry's eye from your hiding spot and he gave a minute shake of his head as Malfoy dragged him over to Umbridge and you nodded back, reluctantly agreeing to stay where you were. Once you were sure that Umbridge and the others were distracted, you made a run for it and made it back to the common room without any trouble.

Once you burst through the door, your friends all immediately sighed in relief. Fred walked over and wrapped his arms around you tightly, not saying anything but you could tell he was extremely relieved.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now