Chapter 55: The Escape

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Umbridge stood in front of you and she dismissed the three men who'd been guarding you and when they left she smiled sweetly at you, and then turned to the witch beside her before walking away, "come, Mafalda."

The witch accompanying her gave you a strange, wide-eyed look and you stared blankly at her as she slowly walked past and continued looking at you, as if she wanted to talk to you.

The witch who sat down the bench from you was being forced to hand over her wand and belongings for examination before entering the chamber for her trial. You were thankful that your wand and bag hadn't been taken from you yet as you watched hers being snatched from her grip. You figured they knew you wouldn't be stupid enough to risk anything while so many guards and employees patrolled the Atrium, and with your hands bound, you wouldn't be able to wield your wand properly even if there was less security.

The dark-haired witch cried and pleaded with the Ministry employee in front of her, "please, my husband Reginald, he works here, if I could just-" But her begging went ignored and she was dragged roughly into the chamber where Umbridge had walked into.

It wasn't in your nature to give up and accept defeat, so you subtly looked around for an opportunity to try to escape, but you also knew that there was no point in trying to fight your way out of there on your own.

The silence allowed panicked thoughts to flood your mind, and you tried to push away the dreaded worry that the people who'd abducted you had gone back on their bargain and had hurt the twins. You felt tears fill your eyes, but that train of thought was cut short when loud banging crashed from the chamber down the corridor.

Three Ministry individuals ran out of the room, dragging the witch who'd been crying down the bench from you along with them. Her magical binds were undone, and then the three employees ran in your direction, startling you. The witch who was with Umbridge ran right up to you and pointed her wand at your wrists.

"Relashio!" she hissed and then she hauled you quickly to your feet.

"What are you-" you protested, pulling away from her and finally grabbing your wand from its holster.

"Y/N, it's Hermione," she whispered urgently, interrupting you, and your eyes widened and she pulled you along with her by the arm as she broke into a run.

There was no time to ask questions as you ran towards the lifts, the other two employees turned around, and the tall mustached man looked at you "Y/N? Bloody hell, what are you doing here?"

"Ron?" you hissed in shock, instantly recognising his voice.

The shorter man in the long coat glanced at you and then looked around in alarm as people started eyeing you suspiciously. "Look, it's great to see you, Y/N, but we'll catch up later if you don't mind," Harry's voice spoke and you contained your shock by reminding yourself that Hermione had an affinity for making Polyjuice potion.

Loud banging sounded from in front of the lifts and when you turned the corner you almost gasped aloud at what you saw.

Fred and George were flinging fireworks and jinxes in the faces of anyone who tried to attack them, while they hurriedly tried to make their way down the corridor. You ran towards them with Harry, Ron and Hermione, whose faces had gone back to their own, and the twins looked up as you arrived, blasting more jinxes and then running towards you, relief clear as day on their faces. Fred grabbed you and yanked you into a tight but brief hug and then he took your hand, pulling you back towards the lifts with the others.

"Bloody hell, Y/N. I didn't know if you were alive or not," he whispered brokenly as you all pushed into the lift, and you could tell by his messy hair and unevenly strapped backpack that they'd rushed here in a haste, probably as soon as they'd realised that you were gone.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now