20th October, 2021. 6:10 pm.

175 6 4

Continuing on from last chapter, there's a reason why I'm doing this.

See, like I said, strange things have racked up around me, once again, and it's freaking me out.

So I'm in this Discord server, called "Proxies Uprising", okay? And I'm a proxy in training, whatever that is supposed to be. So last Thursday, Solei, our leader of sorts, called on a poll for whoever would like to server Slender as a proxy. Andi and I didn't get in. But point to note, it's been extremely weird.

I was away on a trip last week. It was a small town, almost village kinda place; cut off from the rest of the world in its little pocket and surrounded with lush woods. So internet connection there? None. And I distinctly remember that there had been two deaths that day. Two burnt bodies had been found in the woods, and the locals passed them off as suicide.

I don't go there too much. Just annually. But I love that place, it makes you feel safe and cozy, no thoughts, only greenery. And yet, such an incident didn't bother me all that much, and now that I think of it, what are the odds? What are the odds that two men who don't even know each other, who were happy with their lives and had families, would go into the woods to pour oil and light themselves on fire?

I sound crazy, and there's no one to listen to me, so I'll keep it under the wraps.

I can't sleep at night. How the fuck do you do that when you have this really fucked up feeling you're being watched? I hate it! I can't even have any fucking rest!

I'll just stop here for today, though. Have a good day peeps, stay safe, and let me know your thoughts.

Love y'all <3

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