Entry #11

225 7 3

This part is my dreams all over again. Just saying coz idk it might be boring to some?

So, first, I've got nothing to say on my latest dreams considering that they're just like cryptic dream warnings that I don't bother spending time with. I'll just be going back to my previous ones 

I'd been scrolling through my feed in Quora when I got this fact: "Paranormal Experts say that if you see an unfamiliar face in your dream, it is probable that a ghost is staring right at the moment while you are sleeping. The human brain cannot dream up unknown faces on its own while dreaming."

Chills, guys. I got literal chills.

I very clearly remember how that dream where the car crashed went, every single detail. And before that guy died, he'd told me, "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll always be looking after you." 

So if that ghost theory is correct, then he probably is real and in my house atm. It is getting kinda uncomfortable considering I feel like someone's watching me even while I'm typing all these.

Then what about the Slender Sickness? What about seeing Slenderman, the shadows and having all those symptoms if I'm just being stalked by a house ghost? 

A month back I'd put my finger on Skully-- don't ask me why, but I believe he could exist, and considering Jay's dead, he's a damned ghost (Anyone read those comics by Troy Wagner? If they did, if Skully's there, feel free to inform me) and then I blabbered over it to Sarah (Now she's eating my head asking me to inform here on what the hell are proxies and I'm pretty sure whatever I did was not nice.). 

But, but, but. That guy was not Jay.

That means I'm being stalked by a ghost, who's also associated with Slenderman...

I hate it when my brain makes up theories like this. Now I'm not sleeping anymore.

One more thing before I go: I keep on seeing the numbers 11:11 and 11:21 everywhere. Do they mean something? The internet isn't being helpful all that much.

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