Danger Scale

727 21 9


Feelings of being watched
Can't sleep
Looking into everywhere at night 


Loss of appetite
Sleeping a lot
Waking up with wounds and bruises


Feeling persecuted
No appetite
Wanting to run
Seeing shadows
Suicidal thoughts

Wanting to run
Eating either too much or too little
Feeling stronger
Falling into depression
Self harm to see blood
Suicidal thoughts

Never sleeping 
Drawing the proxy symbol on your skin
Suicidal and homicidal thoughts
All of the above colours
Black (Extreme caution):

Eating a lot or little
Wants to run
Suicidal and homicidal thoughts
Wanting to see blood
Sees shadows
All of the above mentioned    
Well, going by this, I'd say I'm on purple. Of recent all these and my school has taken a serious toll on my exams, tbh.

Idk but I have a weird way of dealing with stuff that makes me nervous--you know, with humour. I can't take anything too seriously, and some how I twist it into something that is gonna make me smile even if the whole world can get it.

So while all the cp investigators are all serious and straight backed, I can't help but be like: "I believe in 'em, but I don't fuckin care!"

Sigh... guess this spirit of mine is gonna get me in trouble. 

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