Entry #10

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So... what date is today again? 30th I guess? I can't keep track of anything here and probably wouldn't even know the days of the week if my tution classes did not exist.

I didn't update for a few days since I wasn't allowed to be here (Not that I'm allowed even now, though) I've been distancing myself, directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly from both my online and irl friends I guess, and maybe that's not a good sign. But, surprise, surprise! Those symptoms died down, at least are kinda normal now considering that I don't see people who don't exist anymore. Guess my brain couldn't take two scary things together, hehe. Our exams have started (online exams suck 200x more than offline ones) and are gonna go through the whole month of August, so, er, even if something happens that will probably be covered by my exams.

I dream of her a lot (by her I mean that best friend who's so prone to dying. I'm just gonna call her Sarah oof) and I've asked her to stay safe, even though that moron replies to my emails a heart attack and three days later. 

I'm gonna resume MH anyways because well I really don't care. And I plan on flipping them off if they come after me (At least once, I wanna try that before my death)

Whatever I'm doing with myself, I have a feeling that it's definitely not healthy. It's totally... wrong, I'm punishing myself for every single mistake I make, and I have this weird distorted mind that doesn't seem to want to make sense of anything...

Welllll, I had a maths test while doing this thing. I flunked it and now hell's gonna unleash on me. 

Where the fuvk do you people remain when I really need y'all huh

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