Theories [] The Obsession

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Note: This is an article from the Slenderman Wiki. Idk how many actually check it out, but it's really kinda useful. Imma post some things of my own after this is done.

The Obsession with Slenderman  is part of Slender Man communities including this one, although debatable in its origin. It is the main driving source of non-seer believers in researching and/or searching for Slender Man. Its side effects on people's lives can be catastrophic, as they may unintentionally isolate themselves from normal society and allow themselves to become prey for Slender Man.Description

The Obsession has very little existing research into it as many people do not notice it, or they underestimate it. What it might be is the primary stage of a process by which people become , or it might simply be a human being's desperate need for truth and information.

It is possible that the Slender Man is responsible for this occurrence, so it can easily turn people into Proxies.


Indicators that a person has the Obsession are:

Drawing Slender Man symbols on themselves or their surroundings.
Irrational need to find/research Slender Man despite dangers.
Wanting to be a Proxy.
Emotional love/worship of Slender Man.


Alternative Explainations for Behavior

Drawing The Operator's Symbol is not considered a sure sign of having the obsession due to it's uses in dozens of other forms of media.

It should be noted that many of the "symptoms" are similar to symptoms of merely being a fan, causing confusion for some Slenderman fans.
Drawing the symbols is like drawing fan art (including drawing the symbols. For example, members of the Harry Potter fandom often draw the Deathly Hollows symbol on themselves and their surroundings)It should also be noted all Slenderman Symbols are fan made for ARGs, meaning there is no logical reason for Slenderman to cause people to obsessively draw the symbols.
Wanting to research Slenderman is often natural curiousity rather than obsession.
Wanting to be a Proxy often comes as a misunderstanding of how proxies work. Most people who want to be proxies do not understand that proxies are essentially slaves, and mistakenly believe proxies receive special treatment.
Loving/worship of Slenderman is often either flat-out fangirling, or in extreme cases something in need of psychiatric help.

{End of copy paste yo}

Wow this thing's sure is kinda weird on how nice it matches lol//

Look, I probably have the obsession, but I'm by no means a rabid fangirl, thank you very much, and neither do I take any interest in fangirling over the other pastas (writing parodies is a hobby of mine lol I just can't think of anything seriously). I'm just researching over it since I don't have anything better to do in lockdown, and yeah I know that it's dangerous, but I belong to a research group and I believe they can help me out if I'm in trouble XD (Like I said, I don't take anything seriously, not even my life)

But I guess I need psychiatric help, yes. My school's getting on my nerves welp -w-

I also had this damn weird theory on why teens are usually the ones affected -- It's prolly becoz they suffer from emotional turbulence a lot during this time, and at this age open to doing reckless shit (no? just me?) I guess Slenderp (I know I'm gonna regret it lol) just takes advantage of all these factors. Could be/

If you're doing all these or are reading it and getting inspired to start (WOW WHY) please don't, you'll reach a phase where it's just dang hard to back out then.

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