Stalking Theories

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I was gonna write a seperate Entry 17 but ya know what I'm lazy and I made a blog and the day I wrote the first entry my pc and laptop both crashed so oof imma wait till I'm independent like those Marble Hornets guys before I do my own Slenderblog

(Also I'm in a crappy mood and am pretty irritable so er idk just needed to say)

(And I hate you both, Slenderp and that ghostly bitch named BEN Drowned)

So, the past week, I made a record of whoever I talked to on Quotev. Don't ask me why. I've been writing down every fucking thing that is happening to me.

Anyways, so of the people I've talked to, 16 of 'em, they are experiencing something on the lines of Slender Sickness. 7 of them in Intense (Beyond purple on the colour scale) and 5 of the 7 are researchers.

The thing I'm thinking of is, if everyone's going through Slender Sickness, how can all be haunted by the same spirit at once?

Now, I believe that they aren't limited by location -- I don't stay in the Americas (I'm planning to move there for higher studies, and also where I live we have legends of our own, so pretty much why no one believes me). There was this pretty good theory that I'd read that if two people were suffering from the Sickness at different parts of the world, then it's probably the proxies at one place and Slenderman at the other. That's ok, but what about now? With so many people together?

Also, I think I'm developing STPD (Schizotypal Personality Disorder). Depression, anxiety, BPD, I can handle those, but it's going too far and I can't seek help. I'm seeing faces every where, all the toys in my room are unnerving me and I'm writing weird poetry and drawing bloody pictures for no reason at all.

My father was complaining yesterday that the cat was overdoing it and there are dead pigeons around the building every single day, no one knows whats happening and no one will listen to me. The neighbour's dog keeps on barking everytime he comes near this building.

It's really kinda freaky, and I just turned into an entry again.


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