Research [] The Tulpa Theory

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(This thing is probably not a good idea for me. I've had bad experiences regarding researching these so they're probably gonna start again. Proceed with caution, I'd say...? Also, this section requires revision and if I find something later I'll probably add more to it later)

The Tulpa Effect is the most commonly used to explain the existence of Slenderman (there's something else too I'll put that down later). This theory explains the possibility of Slenderman existing IRL, but not quite as a human.

First off, what is a Tulpa?

Tulpas are the dark beings, spirits, that exist, without materializing into something. To put simply, a tulpa is a complete living entity with a soul and can think for itself, but does not possess a body.

In fact, tulpas can be created, or rather, they are created. Most people can create tulpas unknowingly when they're upset, they are the imaginary people we have conversations with. At that point when we create them, they feed off our energy, since they're a part of us and more specifically dark energy.

Tulpas in themselves are not very powerful to cause damage. They cannot even control their makers, let alone others. However, in a certain case the tulpa takes over its creator, then there are more chances that it can absorb energy and possess more people in the future.

And this exactly is how it fits in with Slenderman.

Some say that he is a tulpa. A very, very strong one, capable of controlling other people to do his bidding. Tulpas are dark energy, as I've said before, and this tulpa took over that body. Which explains his supernaturality, mythology, and yet, the way he pops up here and there from time to time. He was once even sighted in Vietnam where a girl died.

So there's like, you know, a good chance that whatever we think to be myths, are in reality not.

(Also there's the Quantum Theory which I'm gonna upload that moment I understand it lol) 

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