Entry #7

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It's 25th July, 2020. I need to note it down in case something happens and I forget it or something.

My last entry here had been at 12 am in the night, with me frantically typing down my dream and all that before my parents came and took away our devices (we were way past curfew oof). After that my brother and I were supposed to sleep, well at least he did but I didn't.

I decided to stay up for a while, in case, you know, I got to see something worth noting (I couldn't have pulled a Jay or Alex and set up recorders in my room, no). It was actually all well, and boring, for a while.

It was around 1:30 and I was nearly dozing off to sleep. I was dead tired, having gotten up early in the morning and all that, and I was about to just lay back and sleep, when my brother started this hacking cough. It isn't quite unnatural, I'd say, he has this all around the year actually. But as I sat up to see what was wrong with him, I saw this figure by the wardrobe. Tall, dressed in black and a white, blank head. I swear it was there, I could've taken a picture, but as I mentioned, no electronic devices by the bedside. A strange ringing filled my ears as I fell back and lost consciousness, I think.

However, I still had dreams, strangely. I don't remember the first part, but the last part is embedded in my head.

In that dream, (or at least what I remember of it) we were there in front of a dense woods, but all my classmates were present there too, so I'm guessing we were on our excursion (for some dank reason our school enjoys sending us to places with lots of woods and trees and I think they want us to get lost in the wilderness lol). Anyways so here was this classmate of mine, (let's call him Ricky) who wandered off into the woods without letting anyone know. For some reason, I followed him too.

Now, the thing is, I know a bit of lucid dreaming (even though I'm majorly horrible at it =-=). Like, you know, I can do little things in my free will, I understand this is a dream and I generally control the flow of it, save a few times when I didn't. This dream was one of those exceptions where I couldn't. I had no control over me, it was like someone else was in possession and I felt it.

I don't know what he saw, but once Ricky turned and saw me, he just panicked and picked up his pace and started running faster. I chased him too, driving him deeper and deeper into the woods. All of a sudden he comes to stop in a clear are while I'm still in the woods, and then there's a gunshot and he just collapses to the ground. Two masked figures appeared (NOT Masky and Hoodie) and they showed me some kind of a thumbs up symbol and I turned back to go back to the rest of the group.

Except... they were already there. Ricky's bff (I'm calling him Sam here) he walked up to me and took hold of my collar, almost lifting me off the ground. I distinctly remember him saying, "You killed him! You murderer--"

I don't think I gave him a chance to continue whatever he wanted to say. I just pounced on him, pinned him to the ground, and punched him, punched him in the face, till he wasn't struggling anymore and had gone still. The sight of the blood on my hand gave me an unexplainably satisfying feeling, and soon after, I collapsed back myself.

I woke up with a slight headache, it was 7 in the morning. And the first thing I saw when I opened Q was 's message, that they would help me decipher whatever was happening to me. And so I asked him for help in particular with this. (So sorry, , this was what I was doing)

This is exactly what they had said regarding this dream, copied off straight from the chat box:

"maybe the woods that you are in is like a connection to the area around you? Either that, or forests are usually associated (at least I think) with either good or really bad. Considering the theme of your dream, its almost like a bad sign that somethings gonna happen, thats almost bad (maybe). The classmate, might represent someone you know, or someone near you that you don't necessarily know but will end up getting involved. How you chase him I'm not exactly sure, it could be a multitude of things. Like you find a friend or someone you care about? Or someone that seems off, and your wary of, but also a morbid sense of curiousity of what their doing? And the brother/bff(?) that thinks you killed that person, I think is almost like the people around you. They don't understand nor do they know what's happening to you, so there might be a bit of people looking and drawing conclusions on the future events that happen? The people in the mask, I think represent the people(?) or things(?) that have been watching you/stalking you. Like that the stalking and watching has gotten to you, just like almost how they wanted it to go or something. And the huge crowd? I think its like a scene that maybe people will be nearby to witness? Idk about the crowd, they could also be the people you also tried to talk about this but denied/didn't believe you? And the fact that whomever attacked you? Maybe that means someone near or close to will betray you? Or something along the lines of some type of action that wasn't expected and almost or appearing to be threatening to your person. And the fact that the added paranoia and all the pressure you've been feeling almost makes you lash out? Something makes you snap and causes you to beat the person."

... I don't know what to make of all this. I've had a constant headache, only that it's a bit worse now. I'm having unexplained hairfall, and I checked up on Google, it says that ringing in the ears, hairfall, nausea, appetite loss, they all are signs of radiation poisoning. I had my Maths on Zoom today and half of it was riddled by static so much that I just gave my test and told the teacher that I needed to leave. I can't take it anymore, something surely is out of place. I feel really tired, even though it's just 5:00 pm where I stay and I think I need some sleep... But I'm gonna just pull through, provide another update before I go to sleep at night together. 

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