Entry #12

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Andi Gray literally spammed me with what that could mean after about an hour of the update. Here is the whole chat box that I copied becoz it is useful and I'm lazy:

also its now raining rlly hard and thundering/lightning

oooof the anxiety of thunder

also u in class or something? you keep on going off and online

have a good day!

bye (Till here is the previous day's convo. From next line is whatever was sent) 

11:11 is the time of wishing

YO I have answers for the 11:11 sightings

theres a lot of superstition with 11:11, but its mostly associated with the prescence of a spirit

some think that 11:11 is associated with the presence of a angel or holy spirit


bad bad bad

first reason is

literal quote

"one of the meanings of 11:11 is that the universe has sampled your thought sequence and whatever you were intensely thinking about will MANIFEST almost instantly into your physical realm."


and that the first reason in that article is that some type of divine presence is monitering you, and telling you to focus not of what you were thinking intensely but rather what you enjoy

another quote

"you are using your energy to create vibrations within you that attracts other things with the same vibration"

so that means, whatever you're thinking, you will end up attracting things that are similar to that

sorry for the spamming but this is important

another meaning is that a deceased one is trying to connect with you

kinda alarming especailly with the "paranormal experts say that if you see a face in your dream, it is probably that a ghost is staring right at the moment while you sleep."


also another thing

11:11 is also represented as a column of gates

something about re:awakening your physical body with your higher self

which is weird? like idk maybe something is going to make you change?


also 11:11 is the coded molecules for Re:Membering

it says that in this time you shall be putting pieces of 'yourself' together

like all those times you couldn't remember?

so conclusion

Either you are being contacted by a dead spirit or higher power that's trying to warn you to change the way you think. The way you're intensely thinking about all this proxy/slenderman stuff is going to end up inviting things like that into your life. The fact that you are 'thinking of the same vibrations of the things that will manifest in your physical realm.' If you continue down this rabbit hole, something incredibly bad is going to happen to you. And along those lines, you will be re:membering yourself. In a way such as remembering things that you've forgotten that are incredibly important, or something else. A incredible change is going to happen if you continue to spiral down. I don't really know what to say about this other than you are in danger??

All these signs aren't good, and are screaming bad and warning

And the numbers 11:21 is speculated to be a encouraging message from a angel or something of a higher power to stay positive. It is also used to symbolize a lifestyle change that helps you.

It is also a sign to let go of bad habits and make life style changes.

Yeh, that's all I have to say for today so...

Hope you have a good morning! 

I don't know what to say about this except that it feels like my whole universe is trying to stop me. Which is why, as an irresponsible brat, shall do it even more. 

Just joking 

But still, I'm gonna go on this. It's time that I be a bit skeptical you know? And Idk what I'm doing but hey, I've done weird shit before 

Just something: If I'm being quiet for too many days, I'd just like someone to check up on me or something? Losing touch is a bad thing to do. I like to talk a lot and always joke that if MH had been made by me it'd be more interesting since I'd be talking all the time. So if like 5 days I haven't put up an entry, then something probably is wrong.

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