Theories [] Dimensions

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Have you ever thought of the existence of separate dimensions? Separate realities, where things are different, yet the same? What if the paranormal actually exists- and they're interdimensional beings?
Brace up, if you're like me, this is gonna be an interesting ride.

Let's take a point. Just a simple point. This point has no dimension: it's a 0D figure, right?
Now, we extend the point beyond this indefinitely in another direction, what do we have? It's a line. A 1D figure.
Extending the line further by its breadth, we now have a plane that extends indefinitely in two directions: it has length and breadth, it's a 2D figure.
What if we pull up the plane? Give it height? Now we have a cube. A 3D figure. We've all done this in geometry, haven't we?

Now, this is where things get a little bit more tricky.

You see, our brains are incapable of imagining up new things, in a sense. For example, it's impossible for us to think of a new dimension. Or a new colour. We can't just fit it in with the reality we live in.

So for whatever I say next, I ask you to suspend your belief, and purely go on imagination. It's ok if it doesn't make sense to you. My partners think I'm mental lmao.

The 3 dimensions so far- length, breadth, height- they're called spatial dimensions. Why? Because we can move back and forth on these. The proposed 4th dimension, time, isn't really usually considered because we're fixed on it; we only go forward and at a fixed rate. If we solved this problem, we'd essentially be able to do time travel.

Let's take time to be our 4th dimension. Time stretches on indefinitely on either direction, right? So make it a timeline. Take your position at this moment, mark it as a point, and stretch it on either side of the page. This is what you, and me, are living in; this is our reality.

And when one exists, why can't others? Parallel ones to us? Parallel realities where things might actually be different?

Funny, hah. So many questions. So many theories, so much curiosity with no one to answer anything. We're just blindly groping around in the dark for answers. Anyways.

Assuming that creepypastas are from another reality or dimension, now what?

Last year, around September-October, I was trying to learn lucid dreaming. I remember that I'd come across this: that the veil between realities is weakest between 3am to 5am, whatever that is supposed to mean. That time is significant in a number of religions: in Hinduism, it is the holy hour of sorts. In Christianity, it is called the devil's hour; while another theory says that angels watch over you and can interact with you in this period.

Funny thing is, I was going through my previous entries earlier today. In another book (thanks, Allison, for commenting on that thing which pushed me to look through that book) I had noted down a dream of Zalgo, and it was around this period last year. He'd threatened about merging realities


what the fuck

Why is my phone so fucking phone omg

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