Entry #5

433 13 6

It should basically be 4.5 becoz it isn't all that significant but I hope it is idk I'm confused damn

First of all I'd like to thank for being there for me. She's the most amazing person ever and she's there to listen, to calm you down if you go too overboard and yet share in your confused feeling so that you don't feel too left out. I'm sorry if I've been freaking out too much but that's how I feel and I can't help it.

My situation feels pretty bleak now. No one will believe me, my brother is convinced that I'm in a cult and worship Slender man (like WTF why would I hey) and my parents, well, any sane adult would definitely never listen to a kid, right? My friend thinks I'm trying to draw attention, and another one is completely ignorant and she's like "whoa wait I gotta help ya". I'm worried that if she comes into help becoz she's the one who always dies in my dreams. Everyone who gets tied up with me, something happens to them, and honestly my worst scare is something happening to my family and close friends.

I'm not scared of certain stuff anymore, like when I was young, I was severly haemophobic and arachnophobic. But now, I can calmly brush off a spider off me or cut myself without flinching at the sight of blood, and somehow it feels rather enjoyable. I've been trying to convince myself that maybe I'm just growing up but that's definitely not it. Definitely not.

I feel kinda... trapped in my mind? Ever heard that song "Welcome to the Panic Room" By Au/Ra? That's how it feels now, my room's definitely possessed. And my personal stuff's going missing. Gods that little flipbook I'd made dissing Slendy, I hope it's just with my brother. I hope no one else gets that somehow.

It just won't stop, it just won't. Neither do my urges and nor can I do anything to control them. I just hope that I'm freaking out too much and isn't anything else.

Because if it were, I'd say that it's kinda out of my hands now.

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