Entry #17

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I called up a friend of mine , the person from whom I'd first heard of Creepypasta. (Some people have been driving me crazy oof -_- but hey I don't mind)

I've given the whole conversation here, translated, and this friend, I'll call her Ann.

(Skipping all the 'Hellos' and 'Sorry for disturbing you now')

Me: Hey, you remember when you'd asked me to stop reading creepypasta--

Ann: *irritated* Damn, Dee, you call me up to talk about that when we have History tomorrow? What the hell--

Me: It's really important, please, listen to me

Ann: K, what?

Me: You'd told me that delving into them too much caused them to come real, yeah?

Ann: Um yeah why?

Me: Had anything of that sort happened to you?

Ann: *a bit strained voice* What?

Me: Guess you weren't a chicken at that time. IT's happening to me too.

Ann: *voice drops to a whisper at this point* No, you're kidding me right?

Me: I swear I'm not--

Ann: Why did you call me?

Me: To confirm, I think?

*A pause for a few seconds followed, there was static on the other end but I think it was just my ears*

Me: Ann? Are you still there?

Ann: *lets out a sigh* What did you do? To get into this, I mean.

Me: I, er, tried various summonings, got into research, wrote some weird things...

Ann: Just stop that, right? And don't dare pull me into all your bullshit, it's honestly all your problem and I don't want to go into this again, I've been having a good life for 4 years so stop interfering again

(I was kinda shocked at this point. What? And she never, ever cusses, but guess there's an exception at times)

Ann: *continuing* ... So if you want my advice, stop doing whatever you're doing, concentrate on your studies like a good girl, and live on your life like you never got into anything like this, k?

Me: Ann? You don't seem ok (Well, she always has a breakdown before every exam, it isn't all that surprising, but it's usually regarding the exam not anything else)

Ann: Look, you either listen to me or you don't, I don't care. Just do not ever call me again to tell me about all these, anything else, it's completely fine. Gods, I swear, why did I ever have to tell you all this? *sighs* Well, I really need to go, these chapters are killing me. Good luck for the exam.

*Hangs up*

I guess I stared at the phone for a good minute before my brother ran away with it. She was behaving so weird, and even though we two have a history of arguments, no matter which way it goes, she never behaves with me like that.

I feel like she has a history with all these, she indeed spent the 6th and 7th grade in a very... weird way? She never liked how we joked about the paranormal and all that, she always took them too seriously.

I'm gonna update soon. I'm in kind of a hurry so well anyways I hope to be here by tonight. There's still more.

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