Research [] The Sickness

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The Sickness, sometimes called Slender Sickness, is the name given to an apparent sickness consisting mostly of coughing fits and coughing up blood, along with occasional nausea, paranoia, vomitting, and extreme exhaustion due to an encounter and being stalked by the Slender Man. Many have also had bloody noses, fever, and sometimes amnesia. It is experienced mostly by those stalked by Slenderman.


One theory is that the sickness is directly caused by , or radiation in general, which has a long history of inclusion in theories regarding and its powers. This may mean the sickness is a form of radiation poisoning. However, many symptoms are also similar to symptoms of various chemicals entering the body system.



Nose bleeds with fever like the common cold, mild amnesia

First Encounter:

Nose bleeds, exhaustion, nausea, strong cough, vomiting, amnesia, slight signs of radiation poisoning, aches and pains, slight trauma of the eyes (i.e. blood shot, vesial popping etc...), deja vu is commonly seen at this point.

More than five (5) sightings:

Coughing up blood, blood in vomit, many signs of radiation exposure, painful breathing, difficulty in swallowing, violent convulsions and major amnesia.

I'm definitely not right in my head anymore, I should just stop but I can't and I feel like completing the entire Slenderman Wiki because... well I'm not sure, but I need to know all that I can... my eyes are gonna die on me considering that I spent most of today staring at a damn screen 

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