Deciphering my Dreams

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I'm not going into much detail about this, but it's the recurring one where we have that weird ass PE teacher, we go on the excursion, and everyone except me dies.

Possibilities of this thing:

PE teacher is most def not OK.

Someone I know and care for a lot (me: I just hope it's not her that gets involved) is likely to be affected due to their close proximity with me.

PE teacher is already a proxy and is after me (?) (Also, I'm glad then that we don't have school. He's such a damn big creep)


(This part, the beginning I mean, I remembered after stressing my mind over it a lot. It kinda fits in with everything)(Also, this is the dream that showed similarities with Chara's)

Two other friends of mine and me, we're lost in this woods. We were all tired and lost and had no clue as to what to do. I remeber walking and trying to lead us out the best I could, when all of a sudden something hits my head and I pass out. The next thing I know is that I've woken up in this couch in this large hall, and there's a brunette who helps me up and shows me around. It's a huge, white mansion, seemingly mordernized, ans though I'm sure I met lots of people I don't remember anyone except BEN I think (he wore the same costume and was blond, dammit). She shows me to my room , it's bigger than my current one and I'm certainly not sharing it. But for some reason I don't like it there, I break the TV before climbing out the window and running away.


I'm lost and confused in life (Gah it ain't new)

This woods mean something, idk what

This mansion could mean something good or bad, and it's mordernized and unspooky so I hope good...?

(All of what was deciphered by Andi is lost because we discussed it in the chat box and I being an ass did not copy it. So, uh, Andi, if you're reading this please point 'em out again :D I know I'm so annoying)


(I hadn't put it here before but maybe it could be connected?)

I was in a car with this guy, he seemed pretty familiar, like I knew him irl but I couldn't recall who. We were driving through a road with woods on either side, it was twilight, I think. He was making a poem for me which isn't important rn and then he saw something and before I could realise what it was the car swerved left and crashed into a tree. I was somehow unhurt but he had broken glass piercing his head and was bleeding horribly. He said, "Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll always be there to protect you," and then his head dropped to the steering wheel, his eyes still staring at me and a damn creepy smile affixed to his face. I guess I got so freaked that I just woke up in shock.


(Since I didn't give it before, I'd really like to hear what you think it could be then I'm gonna give it here, I'm not so good with deciphering dreams so yeah)


This is the dream from Entry #7, so I'm not repeating it again. There were however some observations that I made while noting these down:

None of my friends who'd died in the previous dreams appear in this one.

The woods clearly mean something, it has been related to all the dreams I've had. But what?

Possibilities (I'm putting down Andi's words again):

The woods that you are in is like a connection to the area around you? Either that, or forests are usually associated (at least I think) with either good or really bad.

Considering the theme of your dream, its almost like a bad sign that somethings gonna happen, thats almost bad (maybe).

The classmate, might represent someone you know, or someone near you that you don't necessarily know but will end up getting involved.

Why you chase him I'm not exactly sure, it could be a multitude of things. Like you find a friend or someone you care about? Or someone that seems off, and your wary of, but also a morbid sense of curiousity of what their doing?

bff that thinks you killed that person, I think is almost like the people around you. They don't understand nor do they know what's happening to you, so there might be a bit of people looking and drawing conclusions on the future events that happen?

The people in the mask, I think represent the people(?) or things(?) that have been watching you/stalking you. Like that the stalking and watching has gotten to you, just like almost how they wanted it to go or something.

And the huge crowd? I think its like a scene that maybe people will be nearby to witness? Idk about the crowd, they could also be the people you also tried to talk about this but denied/didn't believe you?

And the fact that whomever attacked you? Maybe that means someone near or close to will betray you? Or something along the lines of some type of action that wasn't expected and almost or appearing to be threatening to your person.

And the fact that the added paranoia and all the pressure you've been feeling almost makes you lash out? Something makes you snap and causes you to beat the person.

(Wow it seems much better now)

I'd like to thank Andi Gray and Sharayah for helping me decipher these. I've gotta go now coz imma be in trouble now--

Imma be on Wattpad btw now same username--

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