Entry #19

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<This thing was written on 20/8/20 but I published it today for God knows what>

On a good note: My computer exams were brilliant! Or at least I hope so. I didn't have anything wrong except one question, I guess. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Now, back to why I'm here.

(I still got my Chem tomorrow oof)

So after I updated yesterday bout that cycling trip of my brother, wrote here that there was something wrong with the picture.

See that blue shirt dude walking his dog? There's something behind him.

(I'm so dead)

And I swear, this picture isn't edited. I don't even know how to use those things properly.

Damn. I dont like this. At all.

I'd have posted the video but since it's my brother's he'll kill me if I do that and also he never asked to be a part of the mess.

So I had a conversation with Andi today morning and we two came up with really weird theories. One of them included my father being involved and it seemed so weirdly fitting in that I'm totally weirded out rn and I can't talk about it.

After my exams today I went downstairs to get the newspaper (Everything shitty happens when I do this but still I do why don't ask). Weirdly, the ground floor and 1st floor smelled this disgusting mix of cigarette smoke and rotting flesh. Don't ask me how I know how rotting flesh smells. I don't know myself.

It's weird since no one smokes in the building. And the other thing... Is weird by itself.

And I can't say whether it's just me staying up in my house all the time or what.

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