Entry #20

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My insomnia is just getting worse. And worse. I can't do anything about it. I can't get more than 4 and a 1/2 hours of sleep no matter when and where and how I sleep. I woke up at 4 am today, there was this sound from the next room. My door, which was slightly ajar when I'd gone to sleep, it was totally wide open. I don't think it could be any of my family members, no one gets up at weird hours of the night like me. Hell, no one in my house gets up before 6 30 am at max, I'm the only one who gets up at 5 am.

I didn't have the guts to go and check out what happened, so I just went back to sleep somehow after debating a lot with myself. I woke up within an hour anyway and since twas my usual time to get up I went and brushed my teeth and did everything. My whole body ached and I felt fatigued but weirdly, I felt like I could take on like a lot of people, like I was on a high or something. I also felt a lot calmer, no paranoia or anything that I usually get early morning for that hour when everyone's sleeping.

Then I noticed something weirder: there were three punctures on my arm, in a definite pattern, that had once appeared after my birthday this June.

I went and checked if anything was out of order there in the room, if something had been knocked over. The room was completely ok (well the room is a damn mess most of the damn time and my mom is sick of cleaning it up) but there was this diary of mine on my brother's table, where I had all the creepy pasta summonings and rituals and all that. As I wondered what he could be doing with that, I noticed the pages that contained shit on how to become a proxy (don't judge) were missing, totally ripped out. Thing was, I'd written them on my own, without taking them off Wattpad or other sites, kind of my interpretation on how the thing should be done. I'd asked my brother later, he said he didn't or wouldn't ever do all that and for once I actually believe him.

Andi told me about this drug called Valium something (I forgot) that is used to reduce paranoia and anxiety and muscle seizures and used before operations. It's apparently injected in if it can't be taken orally, and the patient retains no memory whatsoever of the procedure that took place. Also, if it isn't injected properly there is a chance of getting irritated skin later on, and my wound well it's just getting darker (?) and I really don't like it.

I hate it how shit falls together.

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