Entry #18

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(Alright, so the above is a screenshot of the video that I'm mentioning here. I mean this specific alley)

So a few days back, my dad had taken out my brother for him to go cycling outside, since he'd been cooped up at home so long. I didn't go because well I like sleeping a lot. No way was I missing my afternoon nap for this.

Anyway, so dad shot a video of him cycling. When everyone was back home we all were watching, with my parent going, "Wow, you're cycling so well," while my paranoid mind couldn't help but notice something off in the video. I put it off anyways, I didn't have the time to delve into it.

Yesterday I put on my headphones and decided to pay a bit of attention to it. It creeped the shit outta me.

So for most of the first part, the audio is cut out, the video is damn wobbly. And when the audio comes on again, it seems like someone is speaking alright, but there's this heavy audio distortion that makes it difficult to decipher whatever was happening. Dad stops recording like half a minute after the audio comes on.

I watched the video over and over again. To see if I could get anything else. Then the place struck me hard.

It was a place where I'd been kidnapped to in a recent dream, and I saw masked people very similar to Masky and Hoodie, staring down at me there, kicking me if I tried to get up. "She's the one? Wasn't there anyone else?" I heard one of them say. Then something like: "Shut up, we're just asked to keep her from escaping." The ringing in my ears started, way worse than before, and next thing I knew there was Slenderman in front of me. I felt myself being lifted up and then hit something or just simply blacked out probably, and the following morning I woke up with an aching head and limbs.

In my dream, the place was totally dark and deserted, save that yellow glow of the street lamp. There was no one else than us, and I'm sure I've passed through that area IRL, just can't remember it now.

I kid you not, I saw him by a truck yesterday night while everyone was getting ready for bed. It stood just beyond the light of the street lamp and it was impossible to make out a "face" but whatever that thing was it was pretty tall and I felt like it was looking at me. Next morning there was nothing there, no truck and weird ass person, so there wasn't a way I was going to be able to verify whether I was hallucinating or something. Also, I'm hearing alien voices in my head, and I can tell you they aren't mine since I have a habit of talking to myself a lot, surely I'll know when there's an uninitiated conversation going on that I'm trying to block?

Gods, I don't know what's happening to me. I guess it's just paranoia. And before anyone comes at me asking me to stop, fuck you, I have stopped. I may not care for myself but I do value my family, 'k? I'm just putting out the entries. It feels like everything is kinda linked somehow, even though I'm pretty sure it isn't. I've been invited to a virtual birthday party -- it's Ann's -- and I'm thinking of declining it, it's not like I'll be able to enjoy myself anyway (and I'm so freaken antisocial now).

What I can't understand, why hasn't he striked yet? What does he intend to do? I know I sound delusioned, but I don't think I'd be if these weren't happening to me.

Well, that's all I gotta say now. Got my computer exam tomorrow, and my tution is right bout now. And readers, at any point you think that I'm going too batshit crazy for someone's liking, just stop reading this thing, I don't want anyone to end up like me.


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