Chapter 1

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Christmas decorations were already been put up in some parts of Singapore. Most of the people are pretty excited for the festive season. Some people had to still work on Christmas to provide hospitality to the tourist, police officers had to help Santa to arrest the naughty people on the list and the medical staff had to take of patients. Specials had already been coming out from some stores like clothing, cafés and restaurants. Some people were already planning their trip to other countries. They wanted to take their children to experience snow for the first time. There were already people from other countries, staying in Singapore for the festive season and celebrating New Year's Eve.

At the police station, phones were ringing like hell. Officers were receiving calls that naughty kids were stealing presents from the stores. People's wallets and purses were getting stolen. But the officers were catching the thieves and returning the belongings to the owners. So far, over five hundred people were arrested. It was only middle November and these things were happening. One male officer ran, with a file in his hands, towards a woman who was on a call. He stopped behind her chair. She had her back facing him and she had a phone by her right ear. 

"Okay sir, she is on her way. Don't worry, she will give you back your cocktail dress that you bought for Christmas. She is the best fighter we have in our department. I promise she will bring your present back before you know it. Bye.", the woman hang up. The woman leaned on her chair, rubbing her poor forehead.

"Miss Lau.", the man called her.

Samantha turned around and saw the man standing behind her. "Yes Mr Kapoor.", she answered.

"We are getting so many messages from businesspeople. They are inviting you and Miss Moodley for their awards. Here are the lists.", he handed the file.

Samantha took it. "Don't these people realize that we have to keep this country safe. Right now, it's almost Christmas and stealing happens a lot during this time of the year. We got so much on our plates.", she started reading the list.

"I really don't think some people understand that. They expect us to be in the police station twenty-four seven. They don't realize that we also have lives like them. By the way, where is Miss Moodley?", Mr Kapoor was looking for her.

"She is out on a naughty case."

A teenage boy was running away from couple of police officers. He had a pink gift bag in his right hand. The officers were trying to catch up with him. They were running in a narrow corner. The boy was looking back while running to see how far the officers were. The officers were not that far from him. He looked back at the front to run faster. 

A set of legs were jumping from boxes to boxes. The person saw the boy running towards its directions. The person jumped of the box and hit the boy on his stomach. He fell on the dirty boxes, dropping the gift bag on the muddy ground. The officers heard the loud bang. All the them stopped and looked in front of them. A woman was walking towards the boy. She was wearing a tight skinny jeans with a black leather jacket. Her hazelnut hair was tied up in a neat bun. The officers recognized her immediately. 

"Miss Moodley, you made it.", one female officer jumped for joy.

Riya was walking towards the teenage boy. She stopped in front of him and saw the gift bag in his hand. Half of the orange silky see-through was on the muddy ground. Riya squatted down in front of the boy. The boy was looking at her with some fear. She stroked the boy's dark brown wavy hair.

"Child, it's almost the festive season and Santa Claus is preparing for the gifts for the children. He is also putting kids on good and naughty lists.", she said. The boy was too scared to response to her. "I'm going arrest you but I'm going to call your..."

"Please don't call my parents. They will skin me alive.", he immediately answered her. He shook his head because he was frightened.

"Then why do that in the first place?"

"Because my friends are doing this."

Riya sighed. "Listen, those friends are not you friends if they are making you do things like this. Stop hanging out with them. Find better friends who will make a positive difference in your life. Right now, I will take you to the police station. You parents might skin you alive but that teaches you that you mustn't do things like this. From now on, you have to behave yourself so Santa doesn't have to put your name on the naughty list.", Riya was talking like a mother.

The boy looked at her and nodded. Riya was happy to see that. She took out a set of handcuffs and hooked them around his waists. One male officer took the gift bag. He was interested in the dress. A thin very tanned man came running towards the group. 

"Did you find my dress?", he stopped and placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Yes sir.", one female officer answered.

The officer grabbed the bag from the other officer and walked towards the man. Riya held the boy's black hoodie and started walking towards the vehicle. The man thanked them for catching the thief. He wanted to swear at the boy but Riya pulled the boy straight to the police vehicle. She opened the door, pushed the boy inside the vehicle and closed the door.   

Woman of Intelligence (Book 2 in the series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن