Chapter 8

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Liang was busy doing some work on his laptop. He was still in his formal clothes but without tie and his coat. His top button was open. He had been living in Singapore over four months and he was still not used to the heat weather. During the evenings, he had to sleep only with an underwear on. Sometimes, he had the aircon on the whole day and night. During the rainy days, the weather was not so bad like it was cool and breezing. He was also getting a lot of bites from insects which he really hated. The bites were mainly on his legs. He had to get use to all of that.  

The alarm went off then someone entered the house. "Wang, I'm home!", Riya screamed so he could hear her.

A smirk appeared on Liang's face. He decided to take a small break. He got up from his chair and did some stretches. He was sitting by his desk for two hours, doing some admin work for his business. Five more hotels were going to open soon in five countries, Turkey, Dubai, America, England and Nigeria. Liang slowly walked towards the door, stretching his arms in the air. Then he stopped by the door. He could sense something was going to happen. He was observing the environment. The pathway was very quiet which was concerning him. He opened the door immediately and saw Riya with a red cloth in her hands. She was standing two meters away from him. She froze immediately when she saw him. Liang crossed his arms and leaned against the door. 

"You are trying to scare me with the cloth. You were making yourself look like a ghost so you can frighten me.", he knew what she was doing.

Riya was speechless because she got caught. Then she looked at him with irritation. "I still won't be able to shield your mind."

Liang also agreed with her. He picket up the cloth and started pulling the cloth towards him. Riya gripped the cloth and tried to stand strong. But Liang was dragging the cloth towards him. He was also dragging Riya towards him. She was using all her strength to not get close to him. But he was too strong for her. Once she was half a meter away from him, he grabbed her by her lower back. He lifted her from the ground. 

"Wang Liang, put me down!", she instructed him. 

He did not listen to her. He made her sit on the dark brown drawer table. He grabbed her hands then tied them up with the red cloth. Riya was trying to escape but he squashed his body on to hers. He scooped his in the huge gap in between her arms. Her arms was around her neck, tied up together with the cloth. Riya looked at him with a stunned expression. 

"Wang, what are you doing?", she asked.

"Our bet is over. I finally won the bet. It's time for me to flirt with you.", he rubbed his head on her neck. 

She started feeling slightly ticklish on her neck. Some of the edges on his hair was poking her. "Wang, I'm going to Los Angeles in a week.", she told him while trying to bear this flirt. 

"That's good though.", he whispered. 

She felt his lips on her neck. "The problems is that Mr Angry Eyes is coming with us."

"That sucks.", he removed his face from her neck and looked at her. "How was your date with Michael?"

"Technically it wasn't a date. We went Christmas shopping because Michael wanted to buy something for his mother. Then we had a late lunch. I bought some leftover BBQ chicken and onion rings. We can have that for supper. The portions were really big.", she explained her day. 

"Thank you. Did you find anything interesting while shopping?", he held her on her hips. 

"Not really. Well, I did find a beautiful diamond ring which I really loved. The disappointing part is that the ring is an engagement ring."

"Aww man sorry. Maybe someone must have been watching you buy the jewelry store will buy you that ring.", he was cheering up.

"Isn't it slightly creepy?", she asked. 

"It can be creepy and sweet at the same time. People see those things differently.", he started moving her side to side while she was sitting on the table. 

"Anyway, I'm not happy about this investigation because Mr Wright is coming with us."

"What to do? He wants to be in every investigation to show the higher authorities that he is a helpful Captain even though he is not. He is also trying to seek attention and show how good he is."

Riya shook her head. "I doubt we will solve this investigation before Christmas."

"Just do your work and work together as a team. You, Samantha, Zoe and Ying are brilliant team players."

"You are right."

"Don't forget we have to go for a dinner party tomorrow at my parents' house.", he reminded her.

"Yes, I will make it."

Liang noticed that Riya was not looking good. She was looking slightly pale and exhausted. "Moods, are you getting enough sleep?"

"Yes. Why?", she was curious.

"Because you look exhausted and pale."

"I'm fine. We will have supper, I will do some research then turn in for the night."

Liang was slightly not convinced but he left it. "Even though you lost the bet, still practice on how to shield people from seeing through you. It will be useful one day."

"I will during my training.", she was not giving up on that technique.

A flirty smirk appeared on his face. "Before we do anything, let's continue with the flirt.", he was being serious.

He rubbed his face on her neck. He was also sniffing the smell of her Jasmine perfume. Riya was starting to get use to his flirty gestures. Liang's right hand was on her neck. He used his index finger to stroke her invisible Adam apple. She was feeling ticklish but it was bearable. A strange feeling started to appear in Liang's heart. He did not understand what was happening. He stopped rubbing his head on her neck but carried on stroking her Adam apple. He was trying to figure out what was happening to him.  

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