Chapter 25

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Riya was installing the laptop. She was updating the software for security reasons. Samantha and Zoe were feeding the snakes. Riya and Ying were sitting in one corner, far away from the snakes. Riya had some rough salt next to her in case Samantha and Zoe did bring the snake into the house. Riya was going to put rough salt where she and Ying were sitting. John did not come back from the his investigation which was worrying them. Unless, he went to the bar, deliberately forgetting about the investigation. Ying was watching Riya installing some apps on the laptop. This laptop was faster than Riya expected. Within five seconds, the apps were finished installed. Samantha and Zoe finished feeding the snakes. The snakes ate big amounts of fruits. They were coming inside when John pushed them aside and entered. He was looking very messy. His hair was all over the place, mud and dry sand. 

"Sorry I'm late. It was really hard to get away from the protestors.", he gave his reason.

Everyone looked at him. Their eyes widen after they saw him in this state. They looked at him from head to toe. "First question. How did you end up in this state?", Samantha pointed at his clothes.

John looked at his clothes. "It was really difficult to get away from the protestors. They were also throwing sands and stones. They were even throwing cow's poop.", he smelt himself.

"That's why it smells in the room.", Zoe could not stand it. She flied her nose so she did not get the smell. 

"Second question. Did you get any useful information?", Samantha went straight to the investigation and trying not to get the smell.

"I managed to investigate ten companies. The owners are denying that they have connections with Antonio. But get this, I went into the storerooms where all their information are kept including their models.", he explained.

Everyone was excited that John did do something useful. "Did you get anything?", Zoe asked.

"I took pictures of useful information including the models' contract. The companies have similar rules and responsibilities. But none of the models have the right to voice their opinions about what they don't like about the contract. The models are forced to take drugs and take plastic surgery. Those are part of the contract.", John added more to the conversation. 

Riya finished installing the apps. All she needed was for the software to finish update. "Did you meet any models while you were finding evidences?", she asked, looking at John.

"I met one model who worked in one of those companies I investigated so far. She told all about being forced to take plastic surgery and drugs. She also told me if the models voiced their dissatisfaction about the contract, the management will bring Antonio's men to beat them up. Like literally physically beat them up. Even the management takes them to an unknown room and beat them up. She even showed me the bruises on her shoulders."

All of those information was bringing back memories when Riya worked in a company like that. When she voiced her opinion, she was beaten up for six months every night. She spent three months in hospital. 

"Did you take a picture of the bruises?", Ying asked.

"Yep.", John took out his phone from his smelly coat. 

"Is it only women that are getting beaten up in that company?", Riya asked.

"Men and women. She also told me that the models who committed suicide, resigned from the companies few days before their suicide. She said that four days after resigning, they committed suicide.+", John answered.

"Do you think someone is faking those models death? Because not all models can committed suicide on the same night. Unless they planned it.", Samantha made a good point. 

"Nope, she said that they didn't have any intention of committing suicide.", he said while looking for the image.

"Someone is trying to hide those models because he or she is afraid of that the models are going to let out the truth. But now that person can't do anything because the entire city is against the companies.", Riya said. 

Ying, Zoe and John looked at her. "Why are you suspecting that someone else did is behind this?", Zoe asked. 

Riya looked at Samantha. "Show them.", she said.

Samantha took out a small paper ball from her pocket and gave it to Zoe. "Read it.", she instructed. 

Zoe took the paper ball, opened it up and started reading. Ying and John also joined. Ying blocked his nose because of the smell from John. Horror appeared in their eyes. Zoe looked at Riya and Samantha. 

"Is the true?", she asked.

"We don't know. We found it in Antonio's company building. He could be receiving so letter from whoever or just making himself look good by creating these letters.", Samantha answered.

Everyone received a message from John. They looked at their phones at the same time. It was the pictures of the bruises on the model's shoulders and back. The bruises looked exactly the same as the scars on Riya's back. Nothing had change in three years. The others shocked their heads.

"This is abuse.", Zoe concluded.

"Terrible.", Ying looked angry.

"Print out the pictures and keep it as evidences. Also give us the name of the company.", Samantha instructed Riya and John.

They acknowledged it and was doing that right away. Zoe and Ying were checking if the WiFi was now functioning properly in the room. Riya could not stop thinking about the beating she got when she used to do make-up for the models. This was the exact situation as this investigation. Riya and some women spoke up about their dissatisfaction about the company's ethics. The next day, they were in an unknown room, getting beaten up for six months. Riya would never forget the faces of the gangsters and abusers. If Antonio was really telling the truth about not dealing with drugs then there was an imposter. 

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