Chapter 36

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The team was in their shabby office. Some parts of the roof did fell of this morning. Lucky, it did not fall on the electronic weapon. Buying laptop and WiFi were a bit expensive. The snakes were keeping the house guarded from trespassers. They were also playing around while guarding. Riya was busy on the laptop, trying to crack some codes. Sebastian was calling his friends from Italy to get the footages when his parents were murdered. Samantha, Ying and Zoe were researching the location of the last gangster that was on their list. Antonio, John, Benjamin were waiting for the results from Antonio's friends. Everything was going through smoothly. 

"Yay, I got it.", Sebastian jumped for joy.

Everyone else looked at him with confusion and shock. "What happened son?", Benjamin asked him.

"My friends finally gave the footages that day my parents were killed. It took them a while to find the footages. At least we got the footages. He is sending you an email right now Riya.", he answered with so much excitement.

Riya turned to the laptop and went to the emails. She found a new email that was sent one minute ago. That could only be Sebastian's friend. She clicked on it and waited for it to load. She really hoped that she did not need to update her software before she could crack some codes. She would be really pissed if the software needed to update. Finally, the footage popped on to the screen. Everyone was so relieved. Riya started playing the footage and everyone one else watched carefully. 

There were a man and woman, standing in the sitting room. Antonio remembered this scene. He watched the footage two days after Sebastian's parents died. This was the place where Sebastian's parents were murdered. That year, the police officers called Antonio for question in Sebastian's father's house and Antonio found blood on some parts of the floor. Sebastian's parents looked like they were arguing about something. Their hand gestures were aggressive and rough. Unfortunately, they could not hear anything because Sebastian's friend did not send with the volume. After two minutes of arguing, someone appeared behind them with a gun. The person was wearing a black cloth mask like Sebastian said. The person shot on Sebastian's head first. The woman, Sebastian's mother, was probably screaming. Her hands were by her mouth and her body was stiff. The mother tried running further inside but she was shot by the head. The person put the gun away, squatted down to Sebastian's father and started searching him. The footage stopped playing.

Benjamin shook his head out of disbelief. "I don't believe it.", he said. 

"All of us don't.", Antonio said, looking at the screen. 

"Do you have any idea who the murderer is?", Sebastian asked. 

"Judging by the height and body figure, the murder looks like a woman.", Samantha answered. 

"She is right. Plus, there is some light brown hair sticking out of the mask. Her hips are wider.", Riya agreed with Samantha. 

Ying looked at Sebastian and Antonio. "Did you discuss about the Will and Testament?"

Everyone looked at Sebastian and Antonio. "Yes. We had so because if my ex-wife and I die together, Sebastian will know what to do with the Will.", Antonio answered.

"Okay good then the will is not a problem. But why would anyone want to kill your parents? This is not some random shooting. This was planned.", Riya said to Sebastian.

"My father was a police officer, trying to bring dangerous mafias down in Italy. My mother was a lawyer for women who were raped by mafias.", he answered.

"So, you think a mafia did this.", Zoe asked. 

"Could be.", Antonio answered.

Riya just had a feeling. "That explains why you parents were arguing because they probably working in the same case. They must have been after a specific mafia in years and they finally found out who the mafia is. The reason why they argued because of you Sebastian. They were probably trying to protect you.", that was Riya's theory.

"Is that why they locked me up in the room during that period?", Sebastian asked.

"Possible. Maybe they knew someone close to them that was the mafia they were after."

"Riya, can you remove the mask and bring up the conversation so we could listen to it?", Samantha asked.


Riya turned to the laptop and started typing. She was cracking a couple of codes. After she pressed enter, the software started updating again. 

"Ughhhhh noooo. Why is it when I'm trying to find out the murderer, this software must update?", Riya asked then slammed her hands on her face. 

Samantha came close to Riya's ear. "Did that happened when you were trying to remove Yanwu's mask?", she whispered.

"Yes. This update is going to take three days.", Riya removed her hands from her face and looked disappointed. 

"The Christmas party is in three days.", Zoe reminded them. 

Riya was even more frustrated because they would not be here to get the results. Antonio's phone started buzzing in his pocket. He took out his phone from the pocket and looked at the messages. A big smile appeared on his face.

"Goods new though, my friends send the final results of the tablets. The ingredients are similar to the other drugs that are illegal. But they managed to get the suppliers of the ingredients. All of them are from the Pharmacies.", Antonio explained. 

"They live in Los Angeles?", Ying asked.

"Yes. At the same company.", Antonio answered. 

Samantha looked outside. "Well, it's getting dark. We should turn in for the night.", she said.

"Yeah, we spent hours six hours looking for information and we finally got something.", John agreed with Samantha. 

Everyone agreed with them. Riya did not switch the laptop because it was updating. Ying and Benjamin were already out of the office. Everyone else was grabbing their jackets and heading outside. Riya left the laptop screen up so the laptop can update faster. She grabbed her dark red jacket and headed to the door. 

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