Chapter 10

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Liang and Bobby were watching the men. They were doing their morning training. More men were in the Liang's group after Liang managed to help White Jaguar and Samantha with the Yanwu case. Mainly the young men were part of his group. More college and university men were interested in Liang's group. Not because he was handsome, because he was a different gangster compare to the other gangsters. Liang was a gangster who was bringing down devious gangsters like Antonio Lopez. Plus, they were also interested in meeting White Jaguar.

Liang was dressed up in his usual uniform which were silky black buttoned shirt and his black tight skinny pants. Bobby was just using pants even though it was cooler. It was a perfect day for the men to train. It had been a while since it was nice and breezy in Singapore. Liang was watching his men careful including their fighting movements. He had to train them hectically because he was preparing for the worse. He had a bad feeling that things were going to get worse in the future. That what he was worried about. 

Bobby started talking seriously. "Did you get proper information on her?", she asked.

Liang knew what he was talking about. "Yes. Now I understand why she is hiding her true identity."

"Is that's why you are training the men hectically?"

"I'm training the men hectically because there is a dangerous man out there. He will be making his move soon. There is a possibility that he will come after her. Yes, that's also one of the reasons I training the men harder."

Bobby looked at Liang. "What do you mean there is a man out there?"

"Yes. He is a dangerous man with hundred millions of men in his group. His has more men that I have. That's another reason.", he shook his head out of disbelief. He took a deep breath and let it out. "She wouldn't stand a chance to defeat him. We rather start training them now so we are prepared.", Liang was meaning his men.

Bobby looked back at the men. "Well, we need more men in our team."

"More men are coming into the group. More than ten men are coming everyday to join the gang. Don't worry, I do thoroughly background checks on them before they join in. But we still have to be careful. I don't want her identity to be expose. We must keep her identity between us.", Liang was being firm. 

"Understood.", he bowed to Liang. 

Liang was happy to hear that. Bobby turned around to get some water. As he was walking, he spotted Riya coming towards the group. He was surprised to see her at this hour. Normally, she would be at work by now. But Bobby noticed something off about her. She looked unwell or just tired. 

"Riya, how are you?", he asked her while she was walking.

Liang looked at the corner of his eye first. Then he turned around and saw her. "Hello Bobby.", she answered. 

"Are you doing good?", Bobby asked. 

Before she could respond, everything started moving again. She stopped immediately and stood still. Everything was moving side to side. Then she started feeling really dizzy. She placed her hand on her head to ease the dizziness. It was not helping. She closed her eyes to see if that would help. Liang and Bobby looked at each other. Then they looked back at her. Riya tried to open her eyes but she could not. Her dizziness was getting worse. Her legs were about to tremble. Then she fainted out of the blue, hitting her head on the hard ground. 

"RIYA!!!", Liang screamed then ran towards her. 

All the men stopped what they were doing and looked at the same direction. Some of the men ran towards their leader. Bobby also followed Liang. Liang squatted on the ground immediately, next to Riya. 

"Riya, Riya.", he placed his hand on her shoulder and shook her. She was not responding. Liang checked her forehead. "Ssss, she burning up."

"Take her to the hospital before she gets worse.", Bobby instructed him. 

Liang looked at Riya for a moment. As much as Liang did not want to send her to the hospital, he listened to Bobby. Liang scooped his hands underneath her back and behind her knees. He lifted her up from the ground. The right side of her forehead was bleeding. Liang bought her close to his chest then carried her to the car. 

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