Chapter 37 (Part 1)

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"I'm sorry Moods, the software here is also updating here.", Liang said on the phone. 

Riya was very disappointed about that. "Why does the software have to do that?", she asked.

"Maybe because of security reasons. Some systems are highly secured like my hotel."

Liang did make a good point. "Does your system find out who hacks into your system?", she asked out of the curious.

"Yes.", he answered. She was silent when she heard the answer. She looked at the phone with a blank expression. "Why do you ask?", he asked out of interest.

"Just asking.", she lied and she had a feeling that he could sense her lie. 

"Did you hack into my system?"

"Nope.", she lied again. 

"I can't wait for you to come back because you will be receiving something.", he said.

"And what's that?"

"I will flirt with you from the evening till dawn if you don't tell me the truth.", he was being serious.

She took a deep breath and inhaled out. "Just to make sure that you were not those normal gangsters when I first met you.", she answered truthful. 

"Valid point but that still doesn't stop me from flirting with you."

She knew he was messing around with her. She was sorting out her luggage because she was packing the clothes that she was not going use during this trip. She was going to miss this room. She wished could live in this room forever. Riya had Liang on video on her phone. He could see her packing her luggage.

"Are you planning on coming back to Singapore early?", he asked.

"I'm just packing the clothes I don't need to wear for the trip.", she corrected him. 

"Oh, how disappointing. Did you manage to get a dress for the party?"

"Not yet. I will go shopping after I sort out my luggage."

"I wish you can come back soon because it's really boring in this mansion.", Liang was being serious. 

"If we finish the case early then we will be back as soon as possible.", she was cheering him up.

"You still don't have any idea who is the imposter?"

"We do know that a person who killed Sebastian's parents is a woman. She must be working with the imposter. The woman must be the one doing all the killing. I'm shocked she never come here because the fingers are now pointing at the imposter.", she finished packing up the clothes. 

"Or the woman is the imposter. She could be the mafia Sebastian's parents were after.", Liang suggested. 

Riya zipped her luggage and looked at Liang. "Do you really think so?", she asked.

"You did mention to me about the Will and Testament."

"Yeah.", Riya answered and the door opened in her room. "What are you getting at?", Riya asked Liang.

Samantha entered the bedroom. Riya looked at her immediately. Samantha was looking really stressed about something. Her chest was moving up and down in a speed. 

"Sammy, what's wrong?", Riya asked. 

"The suppliers that work in the Pharmacies were found in their homes.", she answered which shock. 

Riya and Liang looked at each for a moment. Riya's phone started ringing. "Hello.", she listened the to conversation. "What?! What about Button? Thank god", Riya hung up the call. "Our office were set on fire. The snakes are fine. They are with Antonio and Sebastian. But all the evidence have been destroyed.", Riya said to Liang and Samantha. 

Liang froze after hearing the information. Samantha was shocked that everything was ruined. Riya was not looking happy at all. The suppliers were murdered and their officers was on fire. The imposter could have been watching them as soon as Riya started bringing down gangsters. Or when the really truth was spread to the world. Everything was going upside down in this investigation again. 

Woman of Intelligence (Book 2 in the series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz