Chapter 24

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Riya and Samantha were walking around, looking for computers. So many people were in the shop because there was so much specials. There were so many options that they did not know which one to choose. They just needed a laptop for the next three weeks. As it was, they were already behind with this investigation. They also got a few evidences. But Riya had a feeling that someone could have sent a threat message to the officers to burn the evidence. Or someone in the police office could have done the job. There were too many ways to this investigation. Samantha found a laptop that could do the job. She picked it up and asked Riya's advice.

"Riya, you know more about technology than I do. What do you think?", Samantha came towards Riya with light blue and black box. 

Riya looked at the box. She was mainly looking at the details of the laptop. It was the latest Lenovo laptop which Riya really liked. It was the best brand in her opinion. So far, the details of this laptop was not bad. Plus, there was enough space for her software for hacking purposes. Samantha was waiting for Riya to make a decision.

"Buy it. This laptop will fit the job.", Riya made her decision. 

"Okay. The FBI gave us some money to set up the house. Laptops is one of them.", Samantha said. 

"Then who chose that building?"

"John was just taking revenge because when I contacted the FBI agent. They said that they would never give us a building like that. In fact, they were perfectly happy to allow us to work where they were working.", she explained while she and Riya went to the cashier. 

"Oh well, we are better of working in that area. I feel that place is safe to keep all our information. Plus, the snakes will protect us. As it is, evidences are getting destroyed.", Riya was being positive.

"Yeah. Five snakes will definitely protect us if we don't harm them.", Samantha placed the laptop box on to the cashier. "Yesterday, I spoke to White Jaguar. Do you know what Sebastian said?"

"He must have said something insulting about women.", Riya knew Sebastian too well.

"Exactly. I actually swore after a long time. I never said any bad language after Ling was born. I was more shocked that Liang swore.", she took out a black card and gave it to the cashier. 

"That is shocking, Liang never swear in a hurry. I met Sebastian yesterday morning. He is such a player. The woman he was with that night why hiding behind the pole, trying to listen to our conversation. Lucky, I caught her after she was standing there for two minutes. But I can tell how much he hates his adopted father."

"To be fair, we can't take sides as yet. If Antonio claims that he doesn't deal with drugs then someone is probably framing him for all these years. The person probably doesn't want to get caught. But if Antonio is really working with drugs, unfortunately he is the culprit."

"We have to do a thorough investigation. And I also have a feeling that the Will and Testament is involved in this matter.", Riya was being serious.

"But why sell drugs?", Samantha asked.

"To make quick more and become rich at a fast pace."

"But that's harming a lot of people."

"Some people don't care about what other people feel. They only care about themselves.", Riya took the laptop from the cashier. 

"Then they will try to find ways to put blame on other people. Devious people will always find ways to blame it on innocent people so the devious people could get away from it. Devious people are always getting away. Years later, we realize their dark secrets.", Samantha took the car.


Both the women walked out of the shop. They stopped by the door when they saw so many people running towards a specific building. The protestors had baseball bats in their hands. They looked like they were going to destroy a building. Riya and Samantha took a look at the building. It was Super Luxurious, Antonio's modelling company. Samantha was looking at Riya.

"I think we should question Antonio. He is our biggest problem in this case and he is probably there.", Samantha suggested.

Riya was looking at the crowd. It was very chaotic. "How are we going to get there?", she asked. 

"Come on child, you are smart. Think of an idea."

Riya was trying to think of an idea while looking at the protestors. The protestors were trying their best to get into the building but there were so many police officers on site. The police forces were given strict orders that no one should harm Antonio until the investigation was solved. Some of the protestors tried to throw baseball bats but the walls were too far from them. Riya and Samantha was watching the protestors. They put the laptop in the boot before they managed to escape from the crowd. They were using the back entrance to enter the building. Samantha stopped by the dark grey door. She looked behind to check that no one was following her and Riya. The coast was clear. Samantha opened the door and both the women entered at the same time. They slammed the door and they finally could breathe.

"Wow, that was close.", Samantha said, trying to catch her breath. 

"When I was in South Africa, people will protesting each day for different reasons.", Riya said. 


"Yeah, the people will complain that there are not enough facilities in the country. Yet they were the ones who destroyed the buildings. Every month, a specific University will be burnt by the protestors because most of the students don't want to attend physical lectures. This is nothing new to me."

"Eish, that's terrible.", Samantha tried to get up.

"Yep.", Riya got up from the floor.

The women were dusting themselves up. Then they looked at the dark room. This room was the clothing room. There were clothes everywhere like it was unbelievable. Samantha made a step but she slipped on a silky bra. She landed flat on the floor on her back. 

"Ah man! Don't these people clean up this room.", she cried in pain. She rubbed her poor spine to ease the pain. 

Riya tried walking without slipping. She ended up slipping on something and landed on the clothes that were hanging. All the clothes fell with her and some landed on her. Samantha looked at her with so much Riya.

"My dear, are you okay?", she asked.

There a man's underwear on Riya's face. "Well, they definitely need to clean up this mess. Because heels and clothes are not best friends when it comes to cleanliness.", she was not in a mood for laughing.    

She removed the underwear from her face and threw it away from her immediately. Samantha was about to get up when she found a note on the floor. She picked up the folded paper and started ringing. Shock appeared in her eyes. She made the paper into a small ball and threw it at Riya. The paper hit on Riya's head then landed on her laptop. She looked at Samantha with irritation.

"What was that for?", she was rubbing her head.

"Read it."

She took the paper, opened it up and started reading.

Antonio Lopez, if you tell the police and the public that I'm involved in making the drugs and giving it to the companies. Not only I will skin you alive, your family will be held as hostages until you confess to the world that you are the culprit.

Riya was surprised by this note. She looked at Samantha and Samantha was also in that state of shock. Now they had to come to some conclusions that Antonio was telling the truth all along. 

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