Chapter 28

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Police officers and the FBI agents were standing in front of Mr Cobra's door. There were vehicles by his fence. One female FBI agent was waiting for Mr Cobra to open the door. Riya, Samantha, Ying, Zoe and John were also standing with the agents. They were watching to see what was going to happen. Already, his men tried to stop them but the officers managed to arrest them in a jiffy. Riya started yawning out of the blue. She did not sleep at all because of the snake. Already, she caught him biting her shirt buttons this morning. She kept on yawning every ten minutes. Samantha was so curious about what Riya did last night that she was continuously yawning.

The door opened in front of the agent. Mr Cobra was standing in front of him with only his bronze silky robe. He was looking very irritated.

"Please leave me alone, I'm busy getting laid.", he said while rubbing his eyes. 

"Mr Arthit Rajkumar, you are under arrest for killing your parents, abusing your wives and selling drugs to the modelling companies.", the agent said the chargers. 

He made an evil laugh. "What evidence do you have when all those cases were dropped?", he asked. 

The agent took out her phone from her dark grey coat pocket. She placed her phone in front of him. "I don't need to listen to the conversation because all of here already did this morning. The truth has finally revealed that there is an imposter around. Who is this person trying to frame Antonio Lopez?", she asked him politely. 

Mr Cobra looked at the video with some hesitation. Everyone was waiting for him to answer. Samantha wondering if White Jaguar was going to come out now. Normally, she came out at night. It would be a surprise to Samantha if she did come out during the day. 

The agent was starting to lose her patience. "I'm not going to ask you again. Who is the imposter?", she asked in some anger. 

Mr Cobra looked at the agent. Riya could see in his eyes that he wanted to escape. Mr Cobra tried to run inside the house but a blade landed on the back of his knee. Mr Cobra fell hard on the ground. He started crying in pain. A wicked smirk appeared on Riya's face. The agent handcuff Mr Cobra and pulled him up to stand.

"Now you are under arrest for an attempt to escape. Got a lot of chargers on your name.", the agent said then pulled Mr Cobra out of the premises. 

Everyone was watching Mr Cobra coming out of the house. Some of the protestors came to see what was going on. One man recognized Mr Cobra immediately. 

"Hey guys, they arrested Mr Cobra. Let's beat him up!", he called the other protestors.

The officers and agents looked to the right. So many protestors were coming towards the house. The officers and agents made a long line to block the protestors. The protestors were pushing the them with all their strengths. Mr Cobra was looking for a way to escape while this was happening. He saw a gab in between two officers. He released himself from the agent and ran towards the gap. The agent saw him running away.

"Hey, stop that bastard!", the agent screamed.

Riya saw Mr Cobra running away from the group. She started running after him. Three more officers were also running with her. She did not want them to come with her. She needed to do something to get rid of them. While she was running, she pressed a button on her ear device. She was waiting for Liang to answer. 

"Hello Moods.", he answered.

"Wang, switched the surveillance cameras off for half an hour and try to get rid of the officers who are running with me. I'm going to do something right now.", she was breathing heavily.

"Wait, are you running?"

"No time to chat. I need to do something quickly.", she was running with her phone on. 

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